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7th January 2011, 12:47 PM #1
HELP WANTED FROM MEMBERS - with forum speed problem
We are being told there are a number of issues with forum speeds since the switch over to the new ISP on 20th December. To sort out these problems is really hard and we are trying our best. However it's like looking for a needle in a haystack trying to track down the cause(s) of these problems.
So could you please help where and when possible, by notifying us of any speed issues you encounter whilst using the forums. Slow loading of pages, page hangs or times out when loading or posting etc.
What we need to know is:
- What happened? (time out, hang, very slow response, etc)
- Time of day when it happened?
- What message if any you received?
- Where it happened? (loading a thread, replying to a post, looking at PM, etc)
- Page address /url of problem if possible?
- ANYTHING ELSE you think might be of use. (like internet hook-up eg. satellite, cable, adsl adsl2, wireless, etc speed if known)
- IF SLOW LOADING - approximate time page took to load.
Any and all assistance we can get will be greatly appreciated and hopefully will help to speed things up considerably.
Cheers - Neil
PS If you think the forums are running faster since Dec 20th please also let us know.
7th January 2011, 01:58 PM #2
Hi Neil and the back room guys and gals.
Some things have been a bit slower loading here (Melbourne Outer East Optus Cable), but I just put it down to the transpacific pipeline being busier with the Christmas break. Slow patches have been random but seem to effect other sites as well which is why I figured that the pipeline was busy. Certainly hasn't been enough of an issue to cause concern.
Just run a speedtest 20Mb/s from Melbourne, 4Mb/s from San Diego, so the pipeline seems good at the moment 2.00 pm Friday AEST.
Thanks and hope all is well for you.
7th January 2011, 03:24 PM #3
G'day Neil!
Just came across your Thread/request. I have noticed some definite slowness over the past little while particularly at this moment when trying to load posts from "New Posts"
and edit a reply to a post. Time taken to load and save approx 15-25 secs.
My line speed is 1311kbps and Download speed is .16MB/s. I will leave it to the techs to work out if it is good or not!Russell (aka Mulgabill)
"It is as it is"
7th January 2011, 03:48 PM #4
Lodged this site problem with Watson three days ago, still no fix?
It started after the changes.
Originally Posted by FRB Design
The problem is that I sign out as normal and next day when I bring up the site from favorites the site comes up and I'am already signed in.
Have changed my password and still the same.
When the site comes up and I'am already signed in I will go to use some functions say "send a private message" and the site asks me to sign in again, so I do sign in again and it's all normal until I sign out and when I bring the site back up to sign in It comes up again that I'am signed in.
Would you know what is causing these prob's?
In trying to learn a little about everything,
you become masters of nothing.
7th January 2011, 04:11 PM #5
At 3:58pm today had trouble connecting to the site. Message "Ïnternet Explores Unable to Display Page" or words to that effect. Two retries resulted in my terminating the connection attempt and returned later.
Have had problems over the last couple of weeks when trying to open a thread from New Posts in the new window. No additional info on this as was not aware then of a possible problem.
Have had the system "freeze" after hitting Submit when making a Reply in a thread.
The first attempt to submit this after doing an edit resulted in a freeze.Last edited by BobR; 7th January 2011 at 04:19 PM. Reason: Additional info.
"If a man is after money, he's money mad; if he keeps it, he's a capitalist; if he spends it, he's a playboy; if he doesn't get it, he's a never-do-well; if he doesn't try to get it, he lacks ambition. If he gets it without working for it; he's a parasite; and if he accumulates it after a life time of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything out of life."
- Vic Oliver
7th January 2011, 04:11 PM #6
I've been having problems loading up pages.
Just now happened. I was in the "General woodworking forums". I clicked out, in the top left to return to "woodworking forums" and it timed out.
I'm using firefox, firefox announced it had timed out, and "try again" I tried again and it timed out once more.
I then left the forums altogether and refreshed, then clicked on my bookmark to the forums. It hanged for a while, then arrived.
Edit: I just had problems sending this message. Long hang time.
7th January 2011, 04:24 PM #7
The following was an Edit to my earlier entry. Froze on two attempts to save. Total time in providing this info - 20 min!!!!!
Have had the system "freeze" after hitting Submit when making a Reply in a thread.
The first attempt to submit this after doing an edit resulted in a freeze.Bob
"If a man is after money, he's money mad; if he keeps it, he's a capitalist; if he spends it, he's a playboy; if he doesn't get it, he's a never-do-well; if he doesn't try to get it, he lacks ambition. If he gets it without working for it; he's a parasite; and if he accumulates it after a life time of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything out of life."
- Vic Oliver
7th January 2011, 04:26 PM #8
Took about 3or4 times longer than normal to log on today.
7th January 2011, 04:34 PM #9
I can't seem to post anything this arvo.
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
7th January 2011, 04:46 PM #10
15:56 Message "Database Error - The database encountered a problem"
Russell (aka Mulgabill)
"It is as it is"
7th January 2011, 04:52 PM #11
15:56 Message "Database Error - The database encountered a problem"
again when submitting this reply 16:51Russell (aka Mulgabill)
"It is as it is"
7th January 2011, 04:55 PM #12
Duplicate posts????
Russell (aka Mulgabill)
"It is as it is"
7th January 2011, 04:57 PM #13
I tried for 1hr. 20min. to post a new thread. It's only just gone through now. I received multiple database error messages with the new thread and other posts too.
I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.
Regards, Woodwould.
7th January 2011, 05:07 PM #14
Had trouble posting a reply to drivel! https://www.woodworkforums.com/f113/friday-7th-january-2011-a-129505/index3.html#post1259009
ended up a doubel post. nothing happened at my end (No little green squares telling me something wass going through! ) so I kept trying to post every now and then. When I finally went through I discovered it was double posted.anne-maria.
Tea Lady
(White with none)
Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.
7th January 2011, 05:11 PM #15
If the page is slow to load please have a quick scan of the screen and see if there are any messages, particularly in the status area in the bottom left of the screen.
Thank you.
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