
On 10 April I posted a request for advice on what to do about my leaking roof. Journeyman Mick and JohnO replied that as the home was so young that I should get in touch with the Queensland Building Services Authority, whose job it is to "regulate the building industry" and to protect consumers.

After getting all the paperwork together the BSA accepted my complaint and I then had to wait for an assessor to get around to an inspection.

What a disappointment when after waiting 6 weeks I got a guy who -

1. Would not get on the roof to inspect it as it was wet from recent rain.
2. Did not inspect between the roof space because "I'm a fairly big guy and I cannot fit through the A-frames up there"
3. Decided that there was no evidence of my roof leaking by seeing no water staining on my ceiling or walls, yet!!
4. Seemed to ignore my statement that when it rains heavily I can hear the rain dripping on my ceiling in several places.
5. Decided that the only water damage was to carpet in a room adjacent to my ensuite and carried out a test by blocking the drain and filling the shower base with water, only to then leave and have me report to him by phone that his leaking shower theory was not supported by his test.
6. Tell me that after 5 years it would be difficult for him to convince the builder (who did not turn up for the inspection) to make repairs to my roof.
7. Tell me that as a house owner I had a responsibility to maintain my roof and that I should get a Roofer in to patch up the faulty pointing that he could see from the ground.

I feel as though I have been fobbed off. I now know that the house was less than 3 years old when I bought it and the leak, whatever the cause, existed then.

Surely a new home should not need maintenance to its roof at less than 3 years of age?

I am hoping that Mick and John still check this forum. Guys, should I become a squeaky wheel, or just skulk away and pay up?

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...