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Thread: Lumber Rack on Brick Wall
10th January 2013, 05:40 AM #1
Lumber Rack on Brick Wall
Not 100% sure if this is the right section of the forum for posting this, so apologies if I've got it wrong.
I'm currently trying to adapt the cellar/basement at my new house into a workshop, and I'd like to build a small lumber rack. The construction of the lumber rack itself doesn't seem to be a problem, as there are plenty of plans and guides around. My issue is that being in Perth, the walls are brick, as they almost always are here. All the plans and such I can find seem to be for stud walls. I'd like to build a lumber rack like this one, and any advice on how to fix it to the wall, or how I need to adapt the plan, would be greatly appreciated. Or, if it's just a terrible idea, I'd like to know that too.
Thanks in advance,
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