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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Ebay seller ratings

    I was looking through some sellers ratings recently and noticed that in a number of instances the feedback was listed as "private".

    This means that while you can view the comments of the buyers, it is normally difficult to see what product they bought. In two instances nearly all their goods were invisible. Notably their feedback ratings were low. One had 91% positive meaning in reality that one in ten customers was discontent. He had also had over one hundred negative reports in the last months.

    I am disinclined to purchase from such people, not so much for their negative feedback, but more because I can't see what they are selling.

    Any thoughts? Should ebay allow this practice?


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmiller View Post
    I am disinclined to purchase from such people, not so much for their negative feedback, but more because I can't see what they are selling.


    Perhaps I should clarify the statement above.

    I can obviously see what they are selling. What I can't see is what the punters are buying.

    In the case I am quoting the seller has a wide range of items for sale. Nearly 300 items ranging from welding helmets to air compressors and a wide price range from $50 to over $1000. If I am looking to buy an air compressor, which I'm not, I want to see whether any others have been sold and what people thought about them.

    When the listing is private I can't see whether the buyer's comments relate to a welding helmet or an air compressor or any one of the other 300 items.

    I can understand that some items are a little, how shall I say, sensitive although not in this seller's case, and a little discretion may be required. A plate compactor is fairly innocuous. A cordless vibrator maybe less so. Perhaps in those instances the seller can apply to ebay for permission to list as private and not show the description to the public at large.

    It is true to say that if I am not reassured about a seller I shouldn't be going there anyway and in this instance I won't.

    Negative feedback as follows:

    1 month 92
    6 months 422
    12 months 431

    Interestingly this still gives a positive feedback rating of better than 99%. I suppose the figures are there if you sell more than 100,000 items on ebay.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

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