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26th March 2013, 09:10 PM #1
Getting permit for second hand shed
Hi All
I am currently considering buying a second hand shed (about 5 year old) size 7m x 3.5m x 2.7m(h). Appears to be common steel construction with colorbond cladding and a skillion roof with a gutter on one side. Includes a roller door and a personal access door on the side.
I asked the council about getting e permit for this as we are currently doing a large reno / extension with an owner builder permit, so will be able to get this added to the permit without making a new application.
The problem is they say they require engineering drawings which the seller does not have. I spoke to an engineer today who said it will cost at least $2K for engineering drawings!!!
Surely there is an easier way around this, such as an engineer looking at the shed, giving the nod and advising what size footings to dig for the slab. I would be happy to pay a few hundred bucks, but thousands is rediculous.
Has anyone had any such experience or can offer any suggestion????
Thanks heaps
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