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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Melbourne, Australia

    Red face Little Wizard woe

    Okay I know lots of you have the little wizard metal detectors so once again the problem is me.

    I got my metal detector (MD) at the Melb show. I took it home put in the battery and for the life of me couldn't get it to make a squeek!
    I rang the shop and was informed that it must be dodgy, packaged it up and posted it back to the shop with a 'please replace'.

    Yesterday i recieved the replacement and had a fiddle - it beeped.
    Turned it off and back on and I got lights but no beep, then it started beeping. :confused:
    Turned it off then on and have not been able to get it to beep at all. I can adjust it to get all the lights up near metal but no sound. :eek:

    I'm assuming I haven't got the only two bad ones so it must be me.

    Can anyone please advise how they get theirs 'tuned in'
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Hi Dave

    Just tested my Little Wizard. Turn the dial until it is in full on position (as far left as the dial will go), then roll the dial back until the top light illuminates - it will beep at this stage. Move the dial back just slightly towards the on position (the light will go out) and it is ready to use.
    Perhaps try another battery - if that doesn't work, sorry to say you may have another lemon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Kyabram. Vic



    I bought mine from Mik last year. When I unpacked it & tried to set it up; not a peep or light. Contacted them and returned it. A few days later it was back & working OK. Still working.

    Maybe they have a few crook switches or joints inside???


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Bacchus Marsh


    There is a problem with the beep, it is a nuisance but does not mean that the detector isn’t working.
    What appears to be the problem is that part of the machine requires some time to warm up and calibrate properly. I usually turn on the detector for a while and let it warm up. After about five minutes I then calibrate the machine and find that the beep works properly.

    However when I am in a hurry I ignore the beep and only use the lights to detect metal.
    I hope this helps

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Melbourne, Australia


    Thanks for the replys people, as always the experts save the day

    I tried again, and again found no peep, then peep , then no peep ......
    Everytime I turned the machine off and on I needed to adjust the fine tuning to get the lights to work, but only got the peep once.

    I will give the warm up option a try.

    Still I watched the lights and they do the job, perhaps i was expecting too much, I was very excited about the purchase.

    On the positive side it has already payed for itself, found 2 nails that had snapped off inside the timber. I guess anything it does from now on is a bonus.
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