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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Pomona & Cooroy Sunshine Coast Qld.

    Default Recent work from the shed

    Hi Fellow Woodies,
    Back with a new thread with some odd pieces I made recently. Gifts and Orders. I've been having a spell for a while,so it was nice to get back into the sawdust again even for a little while.
    Below are a few items I made for valentines day and an order for a compass rose in 3D. It's made from Camphor Laurel.

    compass rose 2.JPG800cm x 800 cm Wall hanging.

    compass rose 3.JPGCompass Rose .. a bit tricky to do. I could not find one like it on the net so had to have a go at it from scratch.

    compass rose back.JPGThe back and the poor joins. You can see it was hand shaped as i had no plans to go by.
    compass rose.JPGIt took 3 hours to make and another 1/2 hour to sand, paint and oil. I hope the customer will be pleased with it. They plan on mounting on a hand made background with N. S. E. W. printed on it

    flower front.JPG Small flower hand painted timber. about a foot tall

    love heart jewelery box with arrow open.JPGHeart shaped jewelery box with arrow.

    love heart jewelery box with arrow.JPG

    love heart jigsaw red.JPGHeart jig saw

    love spoon unfinnished.JPGCeltic love spoon ... a work in progress.

    Note to moderator. How do I activate or post a reply in my one and only other thread "the cooroy toymakers album" ?. A box pops up and tells me that the thread is over 90 days old and i need to press a button above the reply button acknowledging it is , but the button is not there. so I can't reply to my old thread or post new stuff in it ... Please help.
    Handmade Wooden toys Sunshine Coast Queensland

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Thumbs up

    Great work as usual my friend!!! The compass rose is especially eye catching!!

  3. #3
    crowie's Avatar
    crowie is offline Life's Good, Enjoy each new day & try to encourage
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    Faulconbridge, Lower Blue Mountains


    Wow Cooroy, This is a little away for your usual toys but they look superb, well done.
    The compass star would look good on anyone's walls, beautiful.
    Cheers, crowie

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Leopold, Victoria


    Great work on the compass. No need not be concerned about the joints at the back. No one will see them once on the wall. Nothing wrong with the front joints that everyone will see.
    Lots of different items you have been dabbling in, and all well done.
    Maybe you should put your question about your thread here.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Gold Coast QLD


    I like the design of the Celtic love spoon. Post a pic when you're done

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Pomona & Cooroy Sunshine Coast Qld.

    Smile 7 Level - Steiner Education Inspired Tree House with Reindeer.

    Back in the work shop and hard at it again. The Local Library has asked me to put on a display of my doll house furniture and houses. The Cooroy Woodworkers Wood Show is coming up on May 10th , so I'll have to knuckle down and get to it.
    DSCF6148.jpgTree house.... This one is about 12 hours work.

    DSCF6149.jpgAll made from recycled timber.

    DSCF6150.jpgThe floors are discarded shelves from a cabinet no longer in use.

    DSCF6151.jpg The posts are made from Camphor Laurel.

    DSCF6152.jpg With working crane

    DSCF6153.jpg Pot plants at the front

    DSCF6154.jpg Where did these come from?
    Handmade Wooden toys Sunshine Coast Queensland

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Bonny Hills, NSW


    those treehouses are fantastic. I had one go (gave it away to my daughter's steiner pre-school) but it was nowhere near your quality. Your ones inspire me to have another go.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Thumbs up

    Good grief!! I'm amazed!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Pomona & Cooroy Sunshine Coast Qld.

    Lightbulb Thanks Guys.

    Thank you for the compliments. I appreciate it.
    An update on the Compass Rose.. the customer was very pleased with it and happily paid what she originally offered me to make it.
    Wait for it.... $300.00. Yes I know, how often dose that happen, actually being paid the real value of your Art. Yes it can be called ""art"" if it's recognized by ""some"" of the public as such.
    I only mentioned this because, as craftsmen we rarely get adequately compensated for our creations.
    I was at an at show once selling toys ( Coolum Art Show )... go figure. Anyway, a well known local artist who was one of the art judges saw my doll tree house and he called it "art".

    So when I put $300.00's on the above tree house ( I usually sell smaller ones for $200 ) I'm selling not a toy as much as it is a piece of art , a creation.
    My Spitfire takes up to 20 hours to make, I sell them for $90.00. I know, right, if I charged $20.00 an hour, that would make it $400.00 or more, they would never sell at that price.
    What I'm trying to say is ....when are we gonna get taken seriously?
    Ok, I'll get off my soap box now ...... I just had an idea how I can turn it into a toy

    all the best

    Handmade Wooden toys Sunshine Coast Queensland

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Pomona & Cooroy Sunshine Coast Qld.

    Default New items for the tree house

    Below are a few of the 50 odd items I made this week. The 80cm long arch bridges are new as are the wells.
    IMG_20130420_114208.jpgStove with built in chimney
    IMG_20130420_114318.jpgA car made from Jacaranda.
    IMG_20130424_181337.jpgA bridge with stick railings.. not something I recommend having a go at...... just plain fiddly work
    IMG_20130424_181351.jpgThis one was easier, I made 4 of these
    IMG_20130424_181509.jpgSome new cars...very tiny
    IMG_20130424_181750.jpgand a set of table and chairs.

    There are a lot more I made ... pretty much variations on a theme. But this gives you an idea how they can be made from nothing but sticks and off cuts. I hope to sell a few at the coming Cooroy Woodworkers Show in May.
    Handmade Wooden toys Sunshine Coast Queensland

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Leander, TX Central Texas Area

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Pomona & Cooroy Sunshine Coast Qld.

    Default Mothers Day Flowers

    Here are some flowers I made from scraps of wood and the children's paint set.

    DSCF6159.jpgThe stems are bamboo skewers and dowel on the larger ones

    Next .... Cooroora Woodworkers Show 2013 Cooroy.
    Handmade Wooden toys Sunshine Coast Queensland

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Pomona & Cooroy Sunshine Coast Qld.

    Default Cooroora Woodworkers Show 2013 Cooroy.

    Here are just a few pics I took on the day...... 10/05/13 in Cooroy Qld.
    I don't enter comps. So one of our club members pinched ( with my consent ) a couple of my toys and entered them into the Toy section of the inter club competitions.
    To our surprise I got a third place. I must add that there were very few entries in that section :/
    As more pictures come to me I'll post better quality ones for your enjoyment.
    ATDW_Landscape__BO61_Cooroy_Fusion_2012_078.jpg The fusion Day Festival Near the Cooroy Library 2013. The Club house and the old Saw Mill are in the back ground.
    DSCF6160.jpg A demonstration of wood turning in the club rooms

    DSCF6161.jpgDSCF6162.jpgDSCF6163.jpgDSCF6165.jpg My display of toys on the verandah of the Club House.
    DSCF6169.jpgDSCF6172.jpgDSCF6173.jpgDSCF6174.jpg Demonstrations by Club Members. Pen making, Wood Shaping blade being put to good use by Dave Putland making slab shaped stools. Wood carving

    DSCF6177.jpgDSCF6178.jpgDSCF6179.jpgDSCF6180.jpgDSCF6181.jpgDSCF6182.jpg An out house and miniature box of tools made by the incomparable Dave Putland. Compare the size of the tool box to an ordinary pen

    Some Competition entries from the Cooroora Woodworkers Show 2013
    DSCF6183.jpg big ... just really big
    DSCF6185.jpg Nice
    DSCF6186.jpg Grinling Gibbons would be impressed
    DSCF6187.jpg Comp entries
    DSCF6188.jpg My feeble entries
    DSCF6189.jpg Excellent detail
    DSCF6191.jpg Secret compartments included. One of our members made this one
    DSCF6192.jpg Aboso-bloody-lutly brilliant.
    DSCF6193.jpg Sweet
    DSCF6194.jpg Would you believe it ... more of Dave Putlands work... both chairs
    DSCF6195.jpg excellent
    DSCF6196.jpg I found Nemo
    DSCF6197.jpg What the!
    DSCF6198.jpgMore comp entries
    DSCF6199.jpg a mango tree coffee table

    More pictures to come !!!!
    Handmade Wooden toys Sunshine Coast Queensland

  14. #14
    crowie's Avatar
    crowie is offline Life's Good, Enjoy each new day & try to encourage
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    Dec 2009
    Faulconbridge, Lower Blue Mountains


    The Woodwork Club is certainly alive and doing very well in Cooroy... lots of different woodworkers and some beautiful work indeed.....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Antwerp, Belgium

    Default How many people?

    [QUOTE=Cooroy Toymaker;1646850]

    I'm a bit jealous on you people! In my neighborhood I can't seem to find anyone doing anything with wood (apart from the shops). I can't ask advice or go to see someone for a different approach to problems...
    If enlightment is not where you are standing, where will you look?
    Zen-Master Dogen

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