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Thread: Hi, New from Goulburn Australia
21st April 2014, 01:39 PM #1
Hi, New from Goulburn Australia
I'm John, I Live near Goulburn in New South Wales
After years having the idea that I'd like to do some wood turning I finally bit the bullet and bought a wood Lathe
I have absolutely no idea where to start.
I've purchased a few books to help
The Fundamentals of Woodturning by Mike Darlow
andWoodturning: A Foundation Course by Keith Rowley,
Still waiting for them to arrive.
The Lathe is a Teknatool Nova TL1500, It's old but has had little use, It came with a selection of Chisels
7 x Robert Sorby , 6 X Luna of Sweden and twenty or so no name ones
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I paid $550, Is that a good deal? or did I pay too much.
There are lot of cheaper lathes for sale on eBay and Gumtree but I wanted a solid lathe that will last,
It seems very strong and well made, I hope I made the right choice.
Does anyone live near Goulburn, Ideally I'd like to meet up with an experienced woodturner that can get me started and help me along the way
I've no experience with turning but have pretty good skills with tools and general woodworking.
Cheers, John
21st April 2014, 07:24 PM #2
hi John
welcome to the forum,
There are a lot of turning videos on u tube and have you looked under the video section here
there is a lot of help here don't be afraid to ask question because some one would have asked the very same question
there are no silly questions other than the questions never asked
regards Michaelenjoy life we are only here a short time not a long time
21st April 2014, 08:30 PM #3
Hi John,
Welcome to the forums and welcome to turning. I too have a Nova which I bought second hand a few years ago, works like a charm. Your purchase price is good especially getting some fine steel chisels to as part of the deal
As Michael suggested there are plenty of sources to search for turning. Get onto youtube and search Goggle as well as here in the turning forum.
I know Goulburn pretty well as I visit from time to time as I have an Aunt and Uncle that live on acreage just out of Goulburn itself ;-)
Anyway welcome to the forums and Happy and Safe Turning.
21st April 2014, 08:48 PM #4
G'Day & Welcome to a top forum "John".
There are quite a few members in & around the Southern Highlands and surrounding areas.......
You'll find a heap of helpful & knowledgeable blokes & ladies on the forum and for most very willing to assist.
Make sure you show off your handiwork as everyone loves a photo, especially WIP [Work In Progress] photos with build notes.
Nice lot of photos of the shed and the new lathe...sorry I'm not a turner but the other toymakers keep telling me I show get one..
Enjoy the forum.
Enjoy your woodwork....
Cheers crowie
PS - Keep an eye out on the forum as there was a turning school in your area , a few months back.....
Try putting up a couple of threads in the turning and general sections asking about assistance/lessons..
21st April 2014, 09:01 PM #5
Great to have you aboard John and good luck.
Regards Rumnut.
Qld. Australia.
22nd April 2014, 10:21 AM #6
Thanks fellas,
unfortunately due to the crappy internet service in my area I can't watch videos, I can only get wireless internet and the speed/cost for video download is prohibitive.
Thanks for suggesting putting a help/ assistance post in the turning forum, I'll do that.
Cheers, John
22nd April 2014, 09:31 PM #7
Join your nearest woodturning group
John, welcome to our wonderful world of wood(turning). My view is that the best move for anyone new to woodturning is to join a club. The nearest group I know of to you is based at the Harbison Village outside Bowral. The Southern Highlands Woodies Group Inc is affiliated with the Sydney Woodturners Guild, and they are a great bunch of blokes. The contact I have for them is John on 48712714. I also have a TL 1500 which I bought new in 1990, have been very happy with it, and it will see me out. Sounds like you have a real bargain, especially including the chisels. I am a member of Bankstown City Woodturners Guild, and a Life Member of the Sydney Woodturners Guild, and hope you enjoy your woodturning as much as I still do. I have been turning since about 1982, and have learnt much from the guilds I belong to, and from forums such as this one. Doug.
22nd April 2014, 10:03 PM #8
G'day John,
I live about 20 mins from Goulburn between Bungonia and Windellama. I never know which place to put as my address.
I too had crappy internet service (satellite), but was fortunate to make it onto the end of the list for getting NBN internet service late last year. All they did was change over satellite dishes and pointed it into a slightly different direction. Now I have a spare Dish sitting on my 'lawn' and an "old" modum being just a useful. Both services were provided by the Gov. so you should put yourself down for the next NBN rollout.
Let me know if I can be of any further help especially if you want a perfectly good sat. dish and modum going 'cheap'.
22nd April 2014, 10:30 PM #9
ripped off ... hate you to feel bad about it let me give you $550 and I'll take it all off your hands
I think you did well .... think I said it on the other thread, but, welcome aboard
Dave the turning cowboy
turning wood into art
22nd April 2014, 10:42 PM #10
Welcome to the forum.
25th April 2014, 06:09 AM #11
welcome to the forum
25th April 2014, 01:05 PM #12
Welcome to the forum John.
20th November 2014, 05:23 AM #13
Hi John,
I live in town and have just purchased a lathe also, was a bonus find when I picked up a second hand jointer, it's a mini I guess you would say - as was the price. A small Woodfast, he had a larger one for $500 however I have run out of space so $50 was fair I thought for mine.
Curious to know how you got on with assistance as YouTube has been about it for me so far...
I do do a lot of general wood and metal work, you are more than welcome to come for a chat and a beer.
[email protected]
20th November 2014, 05:33 PM #14
I see 2 Chucks.
Hi John.
They are the same as I have used for many Years.
Just by looking at them, I think a little bit of maintenance on them maybe the go.
So sit them in some Petrol for a couple of days, then give them a brush as you take them out, most likely still have the grease in them. Let them dry out, & then use some Graphite Powder in them. Not CRC or WD40.
Find a couple of Stanley Screwdrivers ( I find the best), & you need 1 long & 1 a bit shorter. Cut off the ends of course, making sure that the ends are squared off. Throw those 2 pieces of s@#$%^ that came with them, as the S/D are the bees knees. So when tightening the short one goes up against the bed, & you pull on the other 1.
When removing the Chuck from the Lathe use your Knockout Bar across the Jaws, not in the holes. Far better as you will see, & I always use Steel to Steel, no plastic or c/board, or 3ply. between the surfaces.
If you keep the 2 connecting pieces Clean you will have no problems.
Not sure if you want to or not, but I drilled another 2 holes in the ring with only 2 holes, so much easier with 4 holes.
Only done them by eye, seemed to work OK. 5/16in. I think.
Hope this helps a bit, but they are still a great Chuck.Regards,
Have Lathe, Wood Travel.
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