I have recently had a merbau deck built and it has been given two coats of Cabot's Deck Oil.

The only problem I have now is that our labrador dog is walking on the deck throughout the day while we are at work, and since the rest of the backyard is just dirt (at the moment).

We are left with dirty paw prints that are difficult to get off with a deck brush as the dirt has dried and settled on the deck during the day.

Is there any advice on how to clean the deck? Should I thoroughly spray water over the deck with the hose and then go back over with a deck broom/squeegee to remove the dirt stains and excess water?

I have read other reports on here that warm or hot water is a good idea - should I be looking to apply warm to hot water on the deck with say... a domestic house mop?

So far I am at a loss as to what to clean the deck with since it has been oiled - just hope some of you can give me some advice...

Regards, Shaun (sticks1977)
