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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default A great man. My war hero.

    I must report that Warren Fredrick Martin Clemens passed away on 31st May 2oo9. See previous thread entitled " a great, great man". By rgum.

    Born in Aberdeen, Scotland, he served our country in helping to secure our freedoms and liberties. He was a coast watcher in the Soloman isles and literally had no bed to go to each night, that he'd hide from the Japanese Imperial army.
    He was all alone except for a handful of local natives and a small cache of weapons.
    Surrounded by o,ooo's of Japanese, only to out smart them and inform the Australians and the Americans as to where to land in Guadalcannal, when the Africa and Europe campaign was over.
    See his book, " Alone in Guadalcannal ".
    After conducting an internet search you will find much information on this man.
    See this Tues Melb Age. 9th June.

    I am proud to have had his company most weekends for the last 4 yrs. Listening to his faint voice as he tried to tell me of his work. I have pinched a nerve in my forearm from bearing his coffin. Still ever proud!
    I am proud to have shouldered his coffin and have 6 pipers and a drummer lead the proscession.
    We had many dignitaries come from America. Marine Cornels, Seargents. All Marines. Proudly wearing their immaculate uniforms and carrying the three flags. Australia, America, Britain. Martin adores this army of Marines and they adore him.
    The British high commisioner was present and the American high Comm was also there. We had Martins st closed off so as to conduct the procession. We walked 5oo mtrs frm church to his house for one last pass. Toorak.
    His grandson proudly holding an open case with his medals, in the march home.

    We buried him the nxt day in Springvale, Fri just gone.
    I have a small woodworking setup in his garage. He would always say, " I'll come and check your work", after I loudly told him, I was doing things around the house.
    At this time he had lost a leg through surgery and had been bed ridden.
    His other good leg went black and didn't respond to treatment so it was decided to not amputate. Most undignified and too traumatic. He needed peace. And so Alexandra, just on the night, 2.30 am held his hand and schwabbed whiskey into his mouth although he was unconcious, his mth worked overtime to enjoy the malt.
    Gotta picture that and be happy. It was right to let him go.
    He hadn't eaten for 3 days so it was good timing that his youngest was there for his last moment. He opened his eyes one last time to look at her and then finally rested.
    Tears on the keyboard now.
    The little bottle of whiskey is now under his wrist as he proudly rests in full Scottish kilt and uniform.

    Standing above his plot, our small group stood to attention and saluted as he was put to rest.

    Martin only fought for peace in the Solomans and Gaza. Only for peace.

    God bless you Mr Clemens. I will go on serving you, for your efforts in giving me a grand and free life.
    Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!

    Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.

    Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
    I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sydney, Northern Beaches


    rgum thank you for a touching and caring insight into this man and his life. He obviously added some meaning to your life.


    Woodworkforums, cheaper than therapy...........

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    good on you mate....
    yes a great man
    and it is obvious that you will miss him
    my thoughts are with you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In the shed, Melbourne



    Having heard you speak of him and the life he led, it's sad now to read that he has passed away. That you have been able to spend time in his company and learn of his experiences and of the things that he has passed on to you is something to hold on to and never lose.
    I make things, I just take a long time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Australia story.

    Radio national have recorded an interview about Maj Martins Clemens only last week. Dont know when it'll be broadcast. His two Daughters telling his story.
    1o26 am. Australia story.

    The Times in Us and England ran full page storys about him this week.
    Seems they know more about him there than here. That's ok.

    Thanks you blokes for your sentiments. And all who read.

    Meanwhile I'm in his garage still, denailing a ##### load of pickets I scored recently and 22 x1oo sq Redgum posts with profiled edges. Tall heavy buggers they are too. Phew!

    I am just so proud to have been allowed in his house often and have his company.
    And help look after him a little.

    I found out his islander sergeant, Souza was eventually captured by the Japanese imperial army and tortured. Only to escape and crawl back to Martin in the jungle.
    Souza born in 1894 lived untill 1982. How's that?

    It's a very empty and quiet house I go to on weekends now. Sad.

    Chin up.

    Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!

    Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.

    Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
    I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.

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