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Thread: Heart surgery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    North Qld

    Default Heart surgery

    After a month of chest pain got a diagnosis from hospital that I have 2 blocked arteries
    So off to Townsville Base for a double bypass in the next day or so
    Has anyone had this procedure and could shed some light on what to expect after the procedure is done
    Feeling somewhat nervous however grateful that I am being treated and the problem sorted as the pain has been intense
    Thanks in advance
    Log Dog

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    are they going to use a stent?

    My grandmother had TWO of these done (she passed at 101). Didn't tell the family until after the event.

    They put a flexible rod into her groin, guided it up an artery to the heart, then flushed the goop. After that they popped in a little metal balloon like device.

    She was out the next day and she said she felt like a teenager again!

    (she was 80ish when they were done).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    After my open chest surgery (not heart related) I encountered what others had told me about and that was I felt depressed and generally mentally knocked around and I told the surgeon that every doctor should be made to have the same surgery but he did not think much of the idea. On bypass surgery I was told that the number being done had dropped hugely and the doctors doing it were looking for work but this was in Sydney because stent insertion has become so good it is not necessary in a lot of cases now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    North Qld


    Thanks for the replies WP and CP
    Apparently I have multiple blockages that are too extensive for a stent(s)
    I thought that maybe the blockages could have been manually cleared as you described WP...but apparently not
    I was in fact expecting a stent originally and a brief stay in hospital...but this idea now has been hijacked
    Log Dog

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    moonbi nsw Aus


    Jees Chris (Log Dog),I hope all goes well for you so you can come back on here to cause us more drivelling with your exploits while opening up trees for us to admire.

    You often hear about blokes who have a pain in the chest area but don't seek any help and wind up, well you know.
    All the best
    Just do it!

    Kind regards Rod

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Sunbury, Vic


    I was 58 when I had quad bypass surgery 24 years ago this coming September. I was in ICU for 36 hours after the surgery which was normal at that time but may have changed since then. I was home for lunch exactly a week after the surgery and gradually improved from there.

    I have no bad memories of it but would not want to go through it again which is what I told the doctors after they said I could expect to live another 30 years.
    I took a positive attitude in that I could not alter the past but could control my future. I determined that I was going to be "a hassle free zone" and would not suffer fools gladly. I have only broken that rule once when a junior family member started an online barney and I let them have a full blast. I also made a bucket list and the only thing on that list that I have not done is to have a day at Lords for an Aust v England test match. I have travelled widely since then and the only hassle is travel insurance when they may apply a loading depending on the destination country/ies.

    My strong advice is to do a Cardiac Rehab course which should be available via private health insurance if you have it - it was the best thing that I did after the surgery. Walking at least 20 to 30 minutes on at least 5 days a week was recommended and they go through diet etc. I have kept that up with the only time I miss is if it is bucketing with rain.

    I have been on low dose aspirin for blood thinning since then and therefore bruise easily, particularly the arms.

    Above all, stay positive. I am sure it will all go well and welcome to the "Zipper Club" - it used to entitle you to a free round of golf at one of the major Melbourne golf courses, but doubt it now.
    Last edited by Chesand; 7th May 2022 at 04:24 PM. Reason: Added a bit extra

    "It's good enough" is low aim

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Campbelltown NSW


    I had one back in 2015. I had 2 blocked 50% and one 95% with no prior symptoms or pain. They only did the 95% one. I was given the option to be just awake and watch the process of the stent being insert or just under. I opted for just under. About half way the process they brought me around and asked if I had any pain which I did across the top of my chest, as they had nicked one of the arteries on a tight corner, it went away pretty quick. In my case they went up through the groin on my right side. Apart from the fore mentioned the process was pretty much painless. Where they go in the groin artery there is some self dissolving thing left there and I had to carry a card for a week or so about emergency procedures if there was any bleeding in that area. I felt fine afterwards and just had to take it easy for a week.

    No problems since then, on a mild blood thinner forever though and regular visits the the cardiologist. That was seven years ago so some things may be different now.

    While they entered via the groin I believe some go via the arm. However when they go via the groin they have to shave that area. A young student nurse, I’m sure it was here first day, was given the job under supervision. Next thing I’m in a bit of pain as she dragged the dry razor across ripping hairs out. The reason? She had never used an electric razor and didn’t know it had to turned on! Ouch!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    North Qld


    Thank you all for your replies and reassurance
    I have been somewhat terrified of the thought of surgery
    This is unchartered territory for me
    However the pain that I have experienced over the past month has been electric and brutal
    Made worse by the fact that I was being treated for reflux and without adequate pain relief
    Anxiety was another diagnosis...wrong
    It took some 4 visits to various hospitals before my true condition was revealed
    In fact on the second last hospital visit was told to go home and simply consult my GP when convenient...after having a mild heart attack whilst in ED
    I said NO...I am not going anywhere until I get a definitive answer
    I was transferred to another facility (hospital) the following day and the worst was confirmed...they are taking good care of me
    I hope I am able to be active after surgery
    I had some entrepreneurial business ideas going forward and was (still am) excited and ambitious
    Rod I will never stray from my beloved's in my blood!
    And I love all things timber
    Log Dog

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    North Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by chambezio View Post

    You often hear about blokes who have a pain in the chest area but don't seek any help and wind up, well you know.
    All the best
    It's only because the pain was unbearable that I sought help.
    Normally I would have brushed it aside and ignored it.
    Bloody glad I didn't
    I thought it was just a hangover from getting covid
    Silly me
    Log Dog

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    North Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    After my open chest surgery (not heart related) I encountered what others had told me about and that was I felt depressed and generally mentally knocked around and I told the surgeon that every doctor should be made to have the same surgery but he did not think much of the idea. On bypass surgery I was told that the number being done had dropped hugely and the doctors doing it were looking for work but this was in Sydney because stent insertion has become so good it is not necessary in a lot of cases now.
    I was hoping for stent insertion Chris but unfortunately the blockages are too extensive.Bugger.I was hoping to be done and dusted in a day without surgery.Them the breaks! The prospect of surgery is certainly affecting my mood and mental health though,so I understand where your coming from...thanks for sharing your thoughts...Log Dog

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2018


    Hi Log Dog, I had open heart surgery to repair a leaking valve 6 years ago. There was no apprehension on my part as quite frankly I was struggling in just getting around and anything has to be better than that. Also my surgeon assured me that it was a straightforward operation that he had done many times previously.
    Recovery went very well, ICU for a couple of days, then a lower level care for a few days then a standard room for a few more days and then home. I hardly needed any pain medication after ICU and was on warfrin for about 6 or 8 weeks and drug free since then. Make sure that you follow their rehab advice.
    One thing though - a pillow will be your best friend for a while. Every time you cough, laugh or sneeze you grab the pillow and hug it to your chest because it without it you will feel pain.
    Stay positive because it is far better than the other option!

  12. #12
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    Apr 2021
    North Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by woodPixel View Post

    She was out the next day and she said she felt like a teenager again!

    (she was 80ish when they were done).
    Hope I get the same feeling
    Log Dog

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    I wish you a successful op, and a speedy recovery.

    If best wishes count, your off to a good start.

    Will be waiting to hear from you on the forum.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2021
    North Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by verawood View Post
    I wish you a successful op, and a speedy recovery.

    If best wishes count, your off to a good start.

    Will be waiting to hear from you on the forum.
    Thank you verawood for your kind thoughts
    Much appreciated mate
    Log Dog

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Sandstone Swamps ,Ningi ,Qld.


    What he said. Chris
    Quote Originally Posted by verawood View Post
    I wish you a successful op, and a speedy recovery.

    If best wishes count, your off to a good start.

    Will be waiting to hear from you on the forum.

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