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Thread: Norfolk Island Pine Seedling
6th October 2020, 09:52 PM #1
Norfolk Island Pine Seedling
A couple of months ago Norfolk Island Pine trees here in my neck of the jungle dropped their seeds so I collected several hundred of them. I cleared an area totally free of weeds and laid out several seeds. After about six weeks two by four leafed plants appeared and they didn't appear to be connected to a Norfolk seed so l wondered is it just another weed, an internet search for seedlings only showed 6" - 8" high young trees with nothing relating to when they first appear. So I let them grow and walla they have now revealed they are Norfolk pines. Just thought I'd post this if others had the same quandary as me.
Experienced in removing the tree from the furniture
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26th May 2021, 11:27 AM #2
Here's an up-date on the progress of the two trees they are now approximately 200mm tall and they still have the initial four leaf's attached. From the hundreds of seeds that I collected and spread non have sprouted.
Experienced in removing the tree from the furniture
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28th May 2021, 03:48 PM #3
Probably best to establish the seeds / trees in pots as in the ground they would be competing with other flora for nutrients .These are looking good.
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.