Hi there.
I have a problem with water sitting in my storm water pipes down the side of my recently built house.

The back of the hosue is about 25 metres from the gutter and would be about only be 1-2 feet above gutter level there. The builder had to excavate down a bit as it is a double story house
When the house was built the plumber did all the storm water etc and added a few drains at the back and siide of the house to flow out to the street by the storm water pipes. These drains are very close to the surface level at the rear, (couple of inches under ground level to get fall so it flows towards the street.)

I have noticed the pipes never drain completely but instead stay about three quarters full of water all the time.
When it rains, the water does flow out of the stormwater pipes to the street but about 50%+ of the water constantly still sits in the pipes.
We have noticed mozzies now breeding in the water that is stitting in the stormwater pipes.
There is no other main stormwater conection points at the rear of the propoerty so it must flow to the street.
Any advice would be most appreciated


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