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Thread: polisher/buffer for wood
17th August 2009, 10:39 PM #1
polisher/buffer for wood
Does anyone here use a polisher/buffer to finish their wood with a wax to get the sheen up and if so what machine do you use. I tried my dad's car buffer and got some good results with 2 coats of canubra wax, well the shine improved much better than I could do by hand with much less work. I did buffed on a chair leg and side rails but the car buffer is a bit big to get into smaller places so I need something smaller, any ideas
SBPower corrupts, absolute power means we can run a hell of alot of power tools
18th August 2009, 10:28 PM #2
I use a swansdown mop from UBeaut, mounted in a hand held drill.
18th August 2009, 11:07 PM #3
Hi S'B, I've recently used linen buffing wheels, (one I got from my dad's gear 40 years ago) and the other I purchased recently from Australian Abrasives Supplies . I'd also suggest that you search this forum using "swansdown". I found the UBeaut reference on Google that Tex mentioned as well as a few references from this forum.
There are various grades of cutting and polishing compounds available You can buy a special mandril to fit onto the end of a bench grinder's shaft to mount the Mop. I use a 3/8th dome head bolt with washers and nut and shove in to the chuck of my drill press. I paint my wind chime heads with Epoxy and after sanding with 600/1200 grit polish to a high finish with the mop. I'm sure there will be a combination to suit your needs. Good luck
Edited Post...removed extra link
19th August 2009, 09:48 PM #4