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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Broken window = new work bench.......suggestions wanted.

    Hello Everyone,

    It's been quite a while since I was last here, but having very little to offer since my last posting, I thought it better to stay on the sidelines. Like they say "no news is good news."
    My reason for this post is that I am now in the throes of building an extension to my shed and with it will be a longer and larger bench.
    The reason for all this commotion was caused by (as the heading states), a small crack in the large window overlooking my old bench, turning into a full blown side to side and top to bottom, crevasse! While I could live with the small crack, the thought of such a huge sheet of glass blowing inwards and all over me was reason enough for a total rethink of my situation.
    First off...I had no glass or a similar sized window to replace the broken one with (it was already second hand) and since it had to be removed in its entirety, I decided to go one step further and remodel the whole wall.
    As earlier pics of my shed show, it's just an old run down 'shack' with all my accumulated goodies inside. So I gathered up some more old windows and some even older timber and set to work extending my bench area outwards by around a metre. During a previous reno, we built a deck along the back of the shed, so it is upon this that I have begun my latest shed update.

    So....with a length of over three metres and a design in my empty head for a 'U' shaped bench, I would like to ask for any suggestions, ideas or just plain old comments to do with having a lot of room and only a few ideas on the best way to fill it.
    Only one thing is already certain, and that is that the left hand 'projection' of the bench will be occupied by a new router table with an Incra LS 17 Positioner sitting at 90 deg. to the bench and facing into the shed proper.
    I will post some pics tomorrow hopefully so you will be better able to get a handle on what I have in mind.
    In the meantime let the suggestions flow please.

    Thank you all in advance,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Horsham Victoria


    first is what sort of work will you be doing.

    Position stuff for ease of use for the tools that you use most frequently .... think about storage and racks etc.

    If you use a drill press having all your drill bits near by ... router bits near your router table.

    Looking forward to seeing some pics

    Dave the turning cowboy

    turning wood into art

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Paralowie SA


    Bob congrates on getting the job started cant wait to see the finished project
    Regards Michael
    enjoy life we are only here a short time not a long time

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Thanks for the tips guys. After my visitors leave tomorrow I'll try to get some decent pics posted so you can all get a better idea about that which I speak......sorry just couldn't help myself there.

    Fast forward to and here are the first pics of the initial reason for all this mess and commotion going on in and around my shed. As you can see, what began as a small stone chip, probably from the mower, turned into one big useless and potentially dangerous window.
    I didn't want to hit this post with all my pics, so the others are in my next post. Sorry about the mess, but such is my shed.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Glenrob; 26th April 2014 at 03:39 PM. Reason: add pics

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    I like what this bloke has done. 1 long bench with 33 drawers.

    I've ordered a book on cabinet making and am going to have a crack at making something similar.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default New bench progress pics.......sort of.

    Hi Arch,

    Thanks for that link. Man that guy is one mean drawer maker! I have a similar size garage (10.5x8.5mtrs) made of the same material, but so far I've resisted the urge to move my woodworking enterprise into that shed, instead I prefer the "rustic charm" of the beaten up old relic that I am using now and probably will continue to keep it as such. Call me old fashioned, but I just prefer it out there, plus I can modify it to my heart's content and no-one complains.

    So here are the latest progress pics as taken this arvo. So far all it's cost me is the cypress pins planks that I've used to line part of the outside as well as some of the interior walls. I hope to be able to dress it all up a bit better than the previous area with some nice trim around all the windows and corners as opposed to just leaving all the rotten old timbers I use to build it in the first place.
    I see all these nice, showy 'workshops' in magazines and on line, and while they look fantastic and theirs owners should be justifiably proud of them, I'm happy with my humble old hovel. It ain't much, but it has all the right smells and at least it's mine.
    BTW, after this little project is all over and done with, I plan to move another wall and build yet another bench, but this one will be dedicated to purely an assembly bench. I've already started buying all the clamps and fixtures that I can leave permanently mounted so I don't have to clear one bench and make room just to be able to assemble my projects. Already have some great Kreg and Woodpeckers clamps, tracks and little dedicated 45 and 90 deg box and corner clamping fixtures.
    Ok then, that's it for now....hope the pics are ok and sorry about the mess, but such is life in the sticks.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Horsham Victoria


    Yours is a little fancier than mine but I'll try not to get jealous. When I build my next one it will be better.

    My current one is a tiltadoor as a roof with some second hand fencing iron screwed under neath to make it a bit wider and longer. total area is about 6 x 2.7

    I do have new windows on one side a second hand on another and an old but new front door frame with side lights.

    Now getting to my point .... which way do your windows face?

    Im hoping south. If it is north it will be a pita unless you extend a pergola or veranda to shade your window. Other than that a great looking place.

    My windows face north and my lathe is in the window ... big mistake, cant leave anything in the lathe for much more than 5 minutes without it cracking and moving during the day

    Dave the turning cowboy

    turning wood into art

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Pakenham, Victoria


    Hey Bob

    Nice to hear from you. When I first read the title of your post I thought you were going to make a workbench out of a window frame!

    I love your shed! There's something awesome about a workshop with such character. Mine is a new garage, no character, boring as. Nice, but boring. I love the recliner out front for when you have earned a rest. Also, I imagine a timber floor is much nicer to work on than concrete.

    Good luck with the bench and I look forward to reading your progress.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Thanks for the kind words Danny. Some may see my shed as having more the quality of a dump, but like you, I too prefer to see it 'having character' as being a kinder way of describing it.
    The wooden floors are better on the feet than concrete, but in some places where the previous tenants (termites) have gotten to the floor joists and bearers, it's a little too comfy.....more like 'springy'.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Bench size

    Hi All,

    Well progress has been slow but steady. So far the outside is all clad and 99% of the inside has been lined and insulated. At the moment I'm working on the two built-in wall cabinets then I'll be adding a fair bit of decorative trim to finish off all the rough edges around all the windows et al, then try and fill in some left over wall spaces that can probably be used for small storage, perhaps screw trays and the like, providing I can find some the right shape and size.
    What I'm in a bit of a quandry about is what size I can get away with as far as the actual final bench dimensions should be. Previously it was just a solid core door about 2020mm x 760mm, which is going to be a bit too wide for what I have in mind for the new bench. The new length will be around just over 2200mm and I'm thinking of making the new width about 600mm.
    Does anyone have any opinions about these new dimensions at all? I should also mention the the bench will have "wings" on each end at 90 deg. to the bench, the length and width of both have yet to be decided.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Horsham Victoria


    My bench is against a fixed against a wall and works well at 620mm. Only went 620 cause that was the size of the steal frame otherwise 600 would have been fine

    Dave the turning cowboy

    turning wood into art

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Oberon, NSW


    In this kind of build - where function rules over appearance - I'd be inclined to mark out on the floor (white chalk? lines of sawdust?) the approximate desired dimensions, fill the area with c/board boxes, etc. to simulate the bench and then spend half an hour pretending I'm working in there.

    Just to check that I had enough elbow room.

    Adjust the chalk-lines suitably to allow for any changes then use the lines as a guide while building a frame...

    I'm rather envious of your shed; 'tis far better than mine, where I have to precariously excavate between house stumps to gain even a milk-crate's worth of extra storage.

    Although I'd want to make sure the previous tenants were long gone and not inclined to "just drop in and check out the old digs for old times' sake."
    I may be weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.

    - Andy Mc

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Thank you both for your helpful tips gentlemen. I always appreciate anyone taking the time to offer their suggestions.

    As for my progress til now, I've all but completed both the wall cabinets. All that remains left to do is to cover the fronts with the same ply that is on the backs and then separate the doors to complete their transformation into fully enclosed cabinets with doors. I've just finished lining the lower section beneath both cabinets, but as to their final usage, that has yet to be decided upon.

    I'll leave you with these latest 2 pics showing the cabinet shell in place.

    BobDSCF3578.jpgDSCF3579 2.jpg

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Wrong section?

    I've just noticed that there is actually a dedicated work bench section under Woodwork General - Work Bench.

    If one of our Mods feels like this thread belongs there and would like to move my thread into its more appropriate Forum section, I would be grateful.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albury Well Just Outside


    Quote Originally Posted by Glenrob View Post
    ........If one of our Mods feels like this thread belongs there and would like to move my thread into its more appropriate Forum section, I would be grateful....

    As requested this has been moved to the Work Bench sub-section.

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