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Thread: New Member
1st March 2010, 01:32 AM #1
New Member
G'day mates,
The name is Ray and I hail from London (England that is). I have recently retired and have set up a corner of my office at home with a Jet 1220 lathe, bandsaw, pillar drill and Sorby sharpening system. It's a bit "compact" to say the least but it works. My principal interest, other than my Grandchildren, is pen making but I also dabble in bowl turning with little success so far. I'm not entirely without experience as I owned a lathe some 25 years ago but didn't have the time to use it. Haven't things changed in 25 years!! Amazing! I hope to be an active member of the forum. I am also a member of the UKAP forum and I'm delighted to see some familiar names on this site.
1st March 2010, 06:29 AM #2
Welcome to the forum. Lots of interesting topics for you to peruse and plenty of advice (often conflicting
) for you to consider.
1st March 2010, 08:55 AM #3
G'day Ray and welcome to the shed!
MySwmbo won't let me bring the lathe inside!That's why I have a SHED>
1st March 2010, 09:55 AM #4
Now that's the kind of office I like.
Welcome to the forum Ray.
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
1st March 2010, 08:02 PM #5
Welcome to the forum.
Post some pictures when you get the chance.
2nd March 2010, 04:13 AM #6
Thanks for the welcome guys. I see I am going to have to polish up my "Strine" if I am to play an active part. So next step is a visit to the pub to learn to drink Fosters. How many pints does it take?
2nd March 2010, 10:32 AM #7
2nd March 2010, 11:37 PM #8
New member
Sorry Artme none of the beers you mention are on sale in England. We have been assured that you guys drink nothing but Fosters or possibly Castlemain XXXX. This apparently is what makes you so good at cricket and rugby and irresistable to the Sheilas!!!
2nd March 2010, 11:45 PM #9
3rd March 2010, 12:20 AM #10
New member
My sentiments exactly Pellcorp but I didn't likr to say so
. I guess I will just have to stick with good old English bitter. Fullers London Pride for preference
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