Not sure if this is in the right place or even if it is allowed but anyway.

Just wondering whether there is any websites or people where you can arrange for accommodation in trade for work.

The deal is we have a 2 bedroom house in Inner Western Sydney, about 20mins from the CBD. We need to have or renovations finished by the 12th march, jobs left include, painting, skirting boards, hanging of doors, a small fence, oiling the deck and a few other things. There is probably 2 weeks solid work for somebody knowing what they are doing plus i can help.

I was planning on finishing these off myself, but a few things have come up, and i was wondering wether there is anybody interested in doing the work in return for accommodation until early march. Was thinking of a builder back packer type of person, but anybody who is ok painting would probably do.

Anyway does anybody know how to arrange a sort of thing? or if you are interested. Any info would be great.

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