Hi Everyone, I couldn't find any info from the 'search' function so i thought i'd ask.

Due to our major dishwasher flood last week the guys have come back to rip large holes out of the plaster to dry the walls.

Since the house will need a full paint, i was thinking of calling in a professional paint consultant. We roughly know what color scheme we want as we were planning on painting the house later this year, but i thought that paying a professional may give us additional advice and ideas that we hadn't thought of.

We also have a large 4m high pine cathedral ceiling which where thinking of painting over, however others believe where crazy. It's hard to judge what would look better either white washed paint or stain and how it would match the rest of the house which will also change over the coming months from all the repairs and additions.

Are the consultants worth the money and are the consultants that are available through the suburban Dulux stores etc and websites the best option.

Even better can anyone recommend a reputable consultant in Melbourne.

I'be been told that they start at around $120 and go up from there.

