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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Even more Turret stuff- This from Coventry

    Apologies for the way this lot prints out- some pages upside down, others right way up, but I'm not sure how I can fix it. I scanned the images into a Word document, then made a PDF file by "printing" to a PDF printer, which just means that I go from Word to PDF, (no actual printing takes place), and at that point I rotated any images that needed to to be rotated, and saved them as individual files. I then combined them using Acrobat, but the previously rotated images came out in their original orientation in the new document. When I tried to rotate the individual pages that needed it,(in the combined document), every page would rotate, so what was wrong, became correct, and what was correct became incorrect.
    Hopefully you can rotate them yourselves as needed. There is 120 pages in this manual of mine which I think I bought at Salamanca Market, many years ago.
    I can honestly say that a turret lathe would terrify me, and I dips me lid to those who earned a tough living driving them, and the tool setters who set them up. This lot are from the other side of the pond from BT's W&S beauties.
    And BT if you want any more, sing out, and I'll most likely post you the handbook to copy what you like, Cheers all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Intesting stuff, I like the Preoptive Headstock

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Charlestown NSW


    re your upside down pages
    You might have more success leaving the PDF to the very last. You should be able to rotate the pages in word (I'm assuming that you are scanning them as an image?) Once you have the word doco how you want it, then PDF it.
    You might also be able to rotate the image using your scanner software (depends on the software) by doing a prescan, applying any changes, then doing the full scan.
    Hope this helps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lower Lakes SA


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by bollie7 View Post
    re your upside down pages
    You might have more success leaving the PDF to the very last. You should be able to rotate the pages in word (I'm assuming that you are scanning them as an image?) Once you have the word doco how you want it, then PDF it.
    You might also be able to rotate the image using your scanner software (depends on the software) by doing a prescan, applying any changes, then doing the full scan.
    Hope this helps
    Thanks Bollie for the tips, and my sincere apologies to you and Bryan for this very late response. I have had a look and can't find a way to do it using Word, although I rarely use Word and may well be missing the obvious way to rotate a page. In the past when creating a PDF I have always used the camera to photograph an object, and then created the PDF file from within Acrobat, by going <create PDF> and from the drop down menu, choosing <from File> or <from clipboard>, and it has worked for me in the past. This time I went <Create PDF> and then chose <From Scanner> and a dialogue box appeared where I had to choose a scanner, but there were no scanners to choose from. It just wasn't seeing my scanner, and yes it was connected, and switched on. I finally scanned into Word by opening a blank document in Word, going <Insert>, choosing Picture from the DDM, and then chose <From scanner or camera> from the next sub menu. A further menu came up with the name of my scanner, (and other possible choices, If I had had any, such as camera). I hit the Acquire button in this last menu box, and the Epson Scan software was launched, and after hitting <Scan> in that, the scan was done, and came up in my Word document. Because of the way I had to place my original in the scanner, all even pages were right way up, but odd pages were upside down, or visa-versa. I could not find the way to rotate the pages in word, but if I printed to a generic PDF printer when using the <print> command, no paper was printed on, but a PDF file was created, and I was able to rotate and save any pages needing to be rotated, but when I combined PDF files to create the multi-page document, the pages reverted to their original orientations, and when I tried changing individual pages in the combined document, I just got global changes, and no individual page only changes. Bryan did manage to fix it though - many thanks for that Bryan, and I wonder if you would care to share your secret. When I get some time, I will look into the scanning software too, I suspect that I will find the best solution there somewhere. Anyway thanks again Bryan and Bollie for your help and suggestions,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lower Lakes SA


    Rob, I opened it in Acrobat, which was not something I'd used before. After faffing around for a bit I got smart and did a help search for 'rotate'. Turns out one of the options is to rotate all even page numbers, which is what was needed. Job done. I have a new respect for Acrobat.

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