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Thread: Oil cooled PC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Darwin HowardSprings

    Default Oil cooled PC

    ive got a spare motherboard , RAM , power supply , laying around


    what better way than to over clock the crap out of them

    how far can you over clock a " Intel quad core duo " ???

    we will see

    so 1st up, build a tank , yep a tank , 2 tanks , this might take a while

    oil cooled , peltier helped , chiller ,

    hot tank and cold tank <(patent pending ) , ill double up the peltiers so i can have over 120c difference in the 2 tanks ( peltiers are mongrels at over heating and not working ),
    running the chip below freezing , pushing for 4.5 - 5 ghz @ 4 core ( better than you can bye at his time )
    im looking at using a nice number of 13 peltiers , one for the chip ( lol Hot side below freezing ( max 68deg drop on these 140 whatt ones ))) and 12 for heat exchange , 2 banks of 3 ( double stacked ) that should do it , the hot tank will be cooled by a radiator ,( the hotter the better to cool)

    as i live in the tropics , i can not afford to have a PC case below freezing , exposed to the air , so there will be no fancy window to look in ( waste of energy ) , it will be fully insulated , and look like crap , i dont want an ice build up from condensation !
    but i will have to contend with "dripping " from condensation , isolating all electrics from the out side skin of the cold tank , yes dew is a problem , in the "wet season " even my fridge takes a on the floor from lack of insulation and condensation , 33c at 90% humidity has a dew point at around 30c , leave a fan running over your bed and the air pressure around the blades is enough to make your bed damp in 1 day( dew point , yes it will rain inside , just from a fan ) i will have to install drainage and a "catch can " for the water

    this might take a while

    cheers ken
    how come a 10mm peg dont fit in a 10mm hole

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Katoomba NSW


    I have no idea what you just said or what you are trying to do but it sounds cool
    Those were the droids I was looking for.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Darwin HowardSprings


    Quote Originally Posted by NCArcher View Post
    I have no idea what you just said or what you are trying to do but it sounds cool
    No actually one side will be real hot , pump all the the heat into 1 tank , the the radiator will work better if its at 120c ,

    a radiator in a single tank system is trying to cool 40c in a room temp of 30c , it dosnt happen '

    the difference with this build is 2 tanks ,, the second tank can get real hot , so the heat exchange works too room temp ( yer pelteirs will add 2 x as much heat , but its needed ), at 120c the radiator will cool 4x better , than at 40c , so the double wattage from the huge stack of peltiers is 1/2 coz the the temp is 4 fold .
    ??? pump all the heat into a tank and the radiator will cool it , the higher the temp , the better the radiator works ,

    the chip will be an "775 socket intel 4core duo extreme " ive bet my house mate i can get my old pc to run better than the new one ( i7) , if i can get -10c chip surface temp , it will s h i t it in

    peltiers can only cool 68c below there hot side heat , then run away heating happens , ill double stack them so its at 120c , yes , 13 x 150 watts is a huge amount of heat to get rid of 400 watts from a chip
    double stacking peltiers , what ever the temp of the hot tank is , i can run 120c under that to the hot side of the chips peltier , THEN THE CHIPS SURFACE MAX IS 68C BELOW THAT , if i can get the mother board tank to 10c , the main chip will run at -50c , i can over clock the crap out of it , with a hot tank at 120c

    so the chip will revive cold oil ( 120c below the hot tank temp ,) , and have its own peltier between the ( water bock housing ) and the surface of the chip , yes , use water cooling blocks , at 10c mother board tank temps " with peltier cooling
    how come a 10mm peg dont fit in a 10mm hole

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    hehe, you nerd! Make sure to update us with the results

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Darwin HowardSprings


    yer ill show you the fried bits if i fail even the blown out capacitor's / pvc hoses 18 months from soaking in oil , started with the sealing of the mother board today , im thinking it would be easyer to flood the mother board in epoxy at 1mm deep to oil proof the capacitors , the main chip will be a challenge to oil prof just glue it in i say , ?? ill think about it before i epoxy the chip in

    cut out the aluminium plate for the mother board today , got her bolted down on draw runners and working on the power supply mount / pump holding plate

    why the hell not , ill post the dxf's of the parts i cut by CNC

    this zip file is of the ATX motherboard bolt down screw pattern , and will fit standard draw runners( 450mm cut down ) its in a EPS format
    how come a 10mm peg dont fit in a 10mm hole

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Darwin HowardSprings


    did a bit more on it today

    dont you hate it when you turn up for work to find out its a public holiday ???? "Darwin CUP " day ??? pitty the southern news didnt say anything about it at all ???

    so drew up some more parts , and milled them in 3mm aluminium sheet , the back plate to hold the 2 power supply's , and the front plate

    now i have to sort out the wiring , got a stripped down "cheep crap"1200watt ATX to power all the PC goodies ,
    and a monster ( blown up ) top brand 1200watt ATX for the peltiers , this sucker has 6x good and working 38Amp 12volt rails,
    a friggin monster ( it cost a heap as well ) , a lightning strike killed it 3 years ago , the 3.5volts and 5 volts are fried , so its been relegated to the junk pile , but 6x 38 amp 12 volt rails , wow , ill run it at 1/2 power , i had to change the pug over to a 15amp pc plug with both of these suckers running , the number of peltiars just went up

    6 rails at 38 amps ????? run each rail at 16 amps ( 4 peliters per rail ) 24 , well + the chips , 25 of the suckers ( ill order more ) , and double the insulation to 50mm thick , and add another radiator

    also ordered 4 USB plugs , and 6 SATA extension plugs to bring then out of the oil too the rear plate , with having them to measure i just cut out blank slots in the back where i can machine up a plate to fit them later
    how come a 10mm peg dont fit in a 10mm hole

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Oberon, NSW



    And as a bonus, even if it doesn't work you'll still have the best beer cooler outside of the antarctic.
    I may be weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.

    - Andy Mc

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Darwin HowardSprings


    Quote Originally Posted by Skew ChiDAMN!! View Post

    And as a bonus, even if it doesn't work you'll still have the best beer cooler outside of the antarctic.
    yer chill your beer in one side , and cook ya chips in the other
    how come a 10mm peg dont fit in a 10mm hole

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Darwin HowardSprings


    ive been trying to find a decent " dielectric oil" ,

    i cant even find a shop or referral to a shop to purchase this stuff in Darwin , once again " bye local " is a waste of time , so straight of a yanky distributor it looks like , and get "right royally rodgered" by the US postal service

    veg oil , cooking oil will work , but has a high freeze point ( turns to jelly below freezing ) and will stink
    mineral oil is better , costs more and destroys PVC / rubber over time

    some others vent gasses at high temp
    silicon oil is a bit thick below 0c

    so have been looking around for a good one

    so far im looking at this one Envirotemp 200 Fluid for the cold side , and might just use radator additive with water on the hot side

    also been playing with the pelitiers , seems to get colder ( more ice build up ) with the double stack wired in parallel ( 12volts 2 amps ) rather than full pelt at both 12volts 4 amps in series , 1/2 the strain will be good ( they will last longer ) but the hot heat sink is over heating on my test rig , thinking about PWM thermostats to drive these , so i can have hot side limits for each back of4 doubled , move of a voltage control rather than a amps
    how come a 10mm peg dont fit in a 10mm hole

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Darwin HowardSprings


    i was looking for heat sinks , not much available

    we have aluminium lover blades at work that are hollow , so i took an off cut home to measure up and CAD , and a 48 peliter stack is too long

    but should be easy enough to make
    how come a 10mm peg dont fit in a 10mm hole

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Darwin HowardSprings


    started to cut some "heat exchange fins" today

    i get off cuts of aluminium " louver blades " from work , but i dont have enough to make all of it
    how come a 10mm peg dont fit in a 10mm hole

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Oxley, Brisbane


    Keep it coming Ken
    I'm really interested in this. I considered doing this myself once but in the end I just couldn't be bothered.
    If you succeed I will maybe try again.
    I'm not really sure why you are bothering to insulate everything. i would have just sunk the whole lot in the oil.
    Bob Willson
    The term 'grammar nazi' was invented to make people, who don't know their grammar, feel OK about being uneducated.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Darwin HowardSprings


    insulation is coz im gonna try and get the tank below freezing , and i live in the tropics , condensation is a bastard ive seen set ups on the net running at 4.2ghz with just dunking in oil ( over heat 24/7),. im gonna freeze the crap out of it , just coz i can , and push for 5ghz

    im looking at 50mm thick 2 part foam , filled after tank is made ( with lid ) but the top section will sweat like a "southerner on a beautiful Darwin day " , so i might have to make my own fibreglass U shaped fitting around the top of the tank and lid , coz aluminium just wont do

    ill post all my cad drawings i cut
    working on my CPU cooler at the moment , i was going to go a water cooled block , but thats for water , i dont need an exhaust port , i can just let the juice escape(?? might save my self $40 and spend 8 hours on it ????) , and have 1 inlet , no outlet , it will help with the flow , looking at home made cooling block for CPU , RAM , and 2 GPU's running off 2 pumps ,2x2 spit , i figured out i can mount " intake " tubes off the heat exchange , and mount the pumps on to the draw , so they slot in nicely once the draw is shut

    pulled a radiator out of an air conditioner this afternoon , its friggin huge

    like i said , "this might take a while "

    >???? properly give it too my brothers kids , after im done ??? 80% is just bits i have laying around , 10% off cuts from work , dam i have too pay 10% ??? W T F

    this post is because the PC manufactures have hit a brick wall when it comes to speed , they cant make the crap inside the chip smaller , coz it wont work , so are multicoring so we bye new ones , the difference in a 2.8ghz I7 and a 3.4Ghz i7 , is the size of the heat sink , so they " turbo it " for 30 seconds untill it over heats , to get the most out of it ,. they have 2 options , cool the crap out of it , or change from binary to "oct bits" ( a chip with 8 stages between 0-5volts instead of 2 ) running each 64bit instruction through 1 wire / ram memory in a 64stage/5volts system will only bring a 6 log increase in speed ( good for the same growth over the last 10 years ) BRING ON THE AGE OF THE MEMRESISTER CPU's & RAM ( mono pole magnets might help ) , any decent multicontroller can run 128 switches off 1 wire , 256 really pushin it ( a different resister for each switch and a 8bit ADC )

    and i want my next PC to instant boot its operating system " windows hard wired into the chip " , want an upgrade , bye a new chip , like old tv's , hard wired , not software , windows knows it has to load VGA, 2 drives ,sound , and its a " legacy" that it has too boot ," the unix guys will shoot me now " , so just go out and bye a instant boot unix chip off the china ripoff makers , dam carnt even email JOB's to get apple a 5 year head start , ??? google might do it ??? bill gates is too busy trying too bye a global peace prize too care
    my 2 cents worth , pity its rounded down

    i can see liquid helium cooled PC's to double the Ghz , its the only way , more cores is crap , software only runs on one core ,. i have 2 tesla's if i want more core's
    "c++ cuda" code is great for number crunching , but spends way too long waiting for an answer from a different core , before it can proceed , multi core software is a big hassle for programmers ,

    cheers ken
    how come a 10mm peg dont fit in a 10mm hole

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    You are bonkers. But I like you!
    ea Lady

    (White with none)
    Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Darwin HowardSprings


    insults just bounce off
    TY tea lady
    how's the turnin going ?
    how come a 10mm peg dont fit in a 10mm hole

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