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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Dardanup W.A.

    Default Skin cancer, I have finally found something that works for me.

    For the last thirty-odd years I have been having skin cancers treated with excisions, liquid nitrogen, some spark thing that cooked them, a cream called Aldara, and the dreaded radiation.
    Except for Radiation and Aldara, all other treatments have resulted in at least some of the cancers returning over time, usually around the so-called 'Margins' of the original cancers.

    Radiation at aged 28 or 29 has left me with extremely thin skin with no pigment on my nose, and the likelihood of needing a skin graft soon. Not exactly ideal.

    Aldara was looking like a good thing until reports of it being itself carcinogenic surfaced.

    Frustration led me to spend a lot of time researching alternative treatments, of which there are many, but sifting through conflicting information, misinformation, sorting out facts from fiction, I eventually settled on the idea of trying out some stuff called Black Salve. It is based on the extract of a plant which grows in the USA, called Bloodroot.

    I bought my first container of the stuff a couple of years ago and began treatments.
    I was pleasantly surprised to find that it did exactly what I had expected from my huge amount of research.
    At last I had found something that worked, and was basically a natural cure which had been used from well over a hundred years ago (possibly hundreds) by American Indians. Side effects which I read about, and which I experienced were only pain.
    When I say only pain, I mean that pain was my only side effect. The amount of pain was from very mild, as I experienced on my arms and back, to severe pain which I experienced on a large cancer on my nose, which had previously been treated twice with Western Medicine. When I say severe, I mean at least as painful as a migraine.
    I was taking about double the recommended dose of strong painkillers for 5 days, but I feel that it was well worth it. This time I am sure it will not come back.
    It does leave scarring, which on my arks and back, all but disappears within a year.

    The latest treatments on my nose have left reasonably deep depression scars, which I am hoping will be insignificant in a year or so. They are filling in slowly.
    The scarring is at worst, no more than would be left by Western treatments, and for the most part, much less severe, almost negligible.

    I am in no way suggesting that anyone try it. I am merely sharing my experience for one reason only, and that is so that other people can do their own research on Black Salve & Bloodroot.

    What led me to post this information was not in fact the success which I experienced with my skin cancers, but the remarkable experience I had with my dog and Black Salve.
    For those who are interested, that experience is shared here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Good for you.

    Here's the other side of the story.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Dardanup W.A.


    Quote Originally Posted by mic-d View Post
    Good for you.

    Here's the other side of the story.

    Exactly the reason why
    1. I don't recommend it to anyone.
    2. Why I did my own extensive research, especially into the 'Horror stories' written by people who have never used it themselves & may have vested interests.
    3. Why I stated clearly that this was my experience only.
    4. Why I urge others to do their own research.
    Interestingly, the photos that accompany "2006, Paulette Teel, of Liberty Hill, Texas," on that page are pretty much exactly the result I had on my nose with one particular treatment. Looked about the same, pain was extreme, ate in very deep, healing very well.

    What I found was that not every product sold with the label "Black Salve" contains the same ingredients. One of the major issues is that it is not controlled, therefor anyone can make it and sell it, Someone could put battery acid in it & sell it, which is what one of those pictures looks like.
    I chose a product from a company that had been selling it for some years, and had been mentioned on more than one forum on the subject. The extensive research is what I needed to do to satisfy myself that I was not putting myself in harms way.
    I tried it out on a small skin cancer first, and at the same time on a small area that I new was normal skin. The area of normal skin went a bit red, nothing more. This was what was supposed to happen according to my research.
    The small cancer reacted and a plug came out and left a hole, which is exactly what my research suggested should happen. At this point I was pretty sure that I had what I wanted, the real thing, not some mis-labled and maybe dangerous material.
    I used caution, a hell of a lot of caution. I will continue to use a lot of caution.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Virginia, USA


    I wish you well with your treatments. I am a recent newcomer to this skin cancer thing. Been in the sun all my life. Beach, boating, skiiing, farming. To this day, I live on a working farm. Too much time in the sun and too many sunburns. I had MOHS surgery yesterday on my left temple to remove a patch of basil cell cancer. When the pain meds wore off yesterday afternoon, I was not a happy camper. Today, I have a swollen head, facial swelling, and a black eye. As I type this, I can feel the blood seeping from the stitches down my left temple. Twenty two stitches in all. I haven't looked at them yet, Not allowed to until tomorrow. The doctor told me that she got it all. I guess that's good news. I am too tired and too sore to get anything done in my shed and that truly means I am feeling poorly indeed. I will be more careful in the sun from now on and always have a hat and SPF 50 or better on. I never thought this would happen to me.
    When all is said and done, there is usually a whole lot more said than done.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Dardanup W.A.


    Ciscokid, thanks for you good wishes, and good luck to you too. I have emailed you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I'm with mic-d. Despite what other people may say, Doctors don't generally like having people die on them. If this treatment was proven to be effective, then they would be prescribing it to you.

  7. #7
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    Dardanup W.A.


    This treatment will never be PROVEN, for the simple reason that no drug company or other person/organization will invest the huge amount of money necessary to PROVE that it works because it is out there in the public domain already, and therefor they cannot make money from it.

    Interestingly, I read an exert from a document written by a drug company exec. where he stated that although it is well known that Hydrogen Peroxide is a powerful tool for treatment of tumors, it would never be developed because there was no money in it.

    It doesn't get much plainer than that does it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    Doesn't stop some companies from making money.
    e.g caustic soda is packaged and sold as draincleaner, oven cleaner etc etc under a myriad of brand names
    Regards, Bob Thomas

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Jesus! I'm presuming you saw photos like those in mic-d's link and you still bought the stuff and put it on your skin!

    Why don't you just go and get the things burnt/cut off? It works for plenty of people I know. It just boggles the mind that people will take risks with their health like this.
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  10. #10
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    Dardanup W.A.


    I saw pics like these, and I have seen pics that look a lot worse which were caused by PROVEN treatments, like excision.

    If you read my original post you would be aware that I have had almost every PROVEN treatment available. None of them has offered the benefits of this stuff. It's that simple.

    It is like everything else that has an "unknown" element to it. Caution is the rule.
    I took all the precautions I thought necessary, and have no negative results overall.
    There are hundreds of people out there who have had great results, and a few who have had negative results, but if you really want to frighten yourself, think about the THOUSANDS of people who DIE every year from the side effects of PROVEN medications that have undergone all the testing and are on the market.
    I have not read a SINGLE case of death from Bloodroot or Black Salve.

    The reality is that the stuff that is proven to kill is the stuff from the Chemist. Sad but true.

  11. #11
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    Aug 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by ptrott View Post
    This treatment will never be PROVEN, for the simple reason that no drug company or other person/organization will invest the huge amount of money necessary to PROVE that it works because it is out there in the public domain already, and therefor they cannot make money from it.
    That's not true, if there is an active ingredient(s) that can be purified and perhaps modified to improve efficacy there is no reason a patent case cannot be made.
    Interestingly, I read an exert from a document written by a drug company exec. where he stated that although it is well known that Hydrogen Peroxide is a powerful tool for treatment of tumors, it would never be developed because there was no money in it.
    Please post a reference to this
    It doesn't get much plainer than that does it?
    Quote Originally Posted by ptrott View Post
    I saw pics like these, and I have seen pics that look a lot worse which were caused by PROVEN treatments, like excision.

    If you read my original post you would be aware that I have had almost every PROVEN treatment available. None of them has offered the benefits of this stuff. It's that simple.

    It is like everything else that has an "unknown" element to it. Caution is the rule.
    I took all the precautions I thought necessary, and have no negative results overall.
    There are hundreds of people out there who have had great results, and a few who have had negative results, but if you really want to frighten yourself, think about the THOUSANDS of people who DIE every year from the side effects of PROVEN medications that have undergone all the testing and are on the market.

    You are just a victim of hype here I am afraid, it is in big pharma's interest to create safe medication, could you imagine how long a tyre company would last if they made tyres that blowout and everybody just knew that they were killing thousands of people a year, like you know that pharmaceutical are killing thousands a year
    I have not read a SINGLE case of death from Bloodroot or Black Salve.

    The reality is that the stuff that is proven to kill is the stuff from the Chemist. Sad but true.

    I was happy enough to leave it where it was before, maybe there is something to it, at least for you and perhaps others of a specific makeup but since you've started to spread mumbojumbo what can I do? BTW I used to work as a research scientist in the medicinal chemistry area and did a postdoc in a pharmaceutical company, so I think I'm qualified to speak about this. I am also a firm believer in the benefit of certain alternative therapies so I don't have a closed mind on this.


  12. #12
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    My Dad and my Mother in Law have both had fairly extensive excisions over a period of years. My MIL in particular had one removed from her nose that required some skin grafting to repair. My wife has also had one removed from just above her eyebrow. The thing is, if they are cutting it out with a knife, they have some control over the extent of the damage. Dolloping something that is going to eat a hole in your face seems very hit and miss to me and those photos seem to support that. Maybe if you're putting it on your arms or backs of your hands... but still.

    I guess I don't understand why the normal route is not working for you. Don't you have to identify the things in order to put this stuff on? Or do you just rub it all over your body? If you can identify them, then why is it not better to get it treated in the normal way? What are the benefits of using this gunk, given that it can't get to anything deeper down or have any affect on mestastasised tumours elsewhere?

    A final question - in these alternative remedy debates, there always seems to be this assumption that the pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in discrediting alternative cures. Do the companies which make these alternatives not also have a vested interest in discrediting medical science? Do they not make a profit by selling their stuff, or do they do it out of the kindness of their hearts? It seems to me that their biggest marketing ploy is fear and desperation.

    My Dad has been eating apricot kernels. He believes that they have cut down on his incidence of skin cancers despite my efforts to convince him otherwise. He's not silly enough to forgoe regular checks though and has had to have skin cancers cut off despite the regular dose of arsenic.
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Aus.


    I applaud people who do the research and take responsibility for their own illnesses and treatments.

    BUT the research is often hard to find and complex. One independent source of evaluations and research summaries is the Cochrane Collaboration. That link will take you to the returns of a search on 'skin cancer'.

    Bear in mind that few if any controlled trials will come up with a perfect correlation between treatment and result. They come up with probabilities for populations that resemble the sample. Idiosyncratic results are common at the individual level.

    Should we be wary of doctors' advice? Yep. Eg. there are still some out there who don't know the cause of peptic ulcers two decades after research and treatment established it. Should we be wary of the pharma companies? Yep in spades. The evidence of venality is there.
    Cheers, Ern

  14. #14
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    Should we be wary of herbal remedies unsupported by scientific research? Should we be wary of relying on anecdotal evidence, testimony from 'herbalists' and conspiracy theories? Should people think very carefully before they put their lives in the hands of someone who has done a diploma of herbology or whatever it is they do?

    I should think so...
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  15. #15
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    Melbourne, Aus.


    I agree. I wasn't arguing a simple line in favour of any one ism. I was arguing in favour of taking research seriously while pointing out its limitations.

    Just for interest, as I'm taking Glucosamine for joint pain on the rec'n of a phsyio, this is what one Cochrane summary says about it:
    Cheers, Ern

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