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Thread: Absent-Minded Lawyers
22nd April 2008, 02:07 PM #1
Absent-Minded Lawyers
Judge Jerry Buchmeyer of the US District Court for the Northern
District of Texas writes a monthly article for the Texas Bar
Journal. Often, he cites unusual exchanges between lawyers and
witnesses during trials.
The following true exchange says it all:
Lawyer: "So, Doctor, you determined that a gunshot wound was the
cause of death of the patient?"
Doctor: "That's correct."
Lawyer: "Did you examine the patient when he came to the emergency room?"
Doctor: "No, I performed the autopsy."
Lawyer: "OK, were you aware of his vital signs when he was at the hospital?"
Doctor: "He came into the emergency room in shock and died a short
time later."
Lawyer: "Did you pronounce him dead at that time?"
Doctor: "No, I am the pathologist who performed the autopsy. I
was not involved with the patient initially."
Lawyer: "Well, are you even sure then, that he died in the emergency room."
Doctor: "That is what the records indicate."
Lawyer: "But if you weren't there, how could you have pronounced
him dead, having not seen or physically examined the patient at that time?"
Doctor: "The autopsy showed massive hemorrhaging in the chest area
and that was the cause of death."
Lawyer: "I understand that, but you were not actually present to
examine the patient and pronounce him dead, isn't that right?"
Doctor: "No, sir, I did not see the patient or actually pronounce
him dead, but I did perform an autopsy and right now his brain is in
a jar over at the county morgue. As for the rest of the patient, for
Forgive your enemies, but never, ever forget their names.
The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naïve forgive and forget; the wise forgive but never forget.
25th April 2008, 07:24 AM #2rrich Guest
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