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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Mackay, Queensland

    Default have to move tools

    well it happened, today the owner of the flats where i live payed me a visit, in regards to my wood working (the very little i do now days due to the new bloke it the flats - thats a story on its own) it was due to noise, i used the router to cut out a hole in some plastic and as you know they are loud. anyway since the person moved in it has been very tence. the first time i meet the man it wasn't "hello" it was "your not going to use those tools here in the flats, i hope you dont, if you do there will be problems".

    For the 4 years i have lived in the flats i have all ways concided the other people in the flats and next door. we dont have the tv up or ply music loud and I all was check with the people around befor doing any woodwork, if it is all right

    the things that have been happening.

    daughter puts her music on saturday morning (15 year old, not out of bed befor 9.00am) this man turns his up

    try and watch TV, he turns his up (watch movies with captions)

    when he goes to work at 4.30am he slames his door (its the only way it will close propley, his reason)

    when he comes home the same thing ( and this is when i sleep. as i work nights)

    clothline turned around so that my clothes are in the shade when he puts his cloths out (i find out today that he has hade to put his washing on a line on his back veranda, because that we take up all the line)

    and yes i did over 4 weeks build a new bench, to get rid of the clutter i had. so im bad i made a noise, not any more for i now live in a morge. his lights are off at 9.30 saturday nights and 8.00 weekdays.

    any way the owner has offered me a shipping container down at his yard to work out of ($50.00 a week) this is even if im not doing anything, and i have to run a lead to it, from his shop.

    this is my rant (i am cranky)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    se Melbourne


    Ask if you can look at his door to try and fix it so it closes quietly. It might need hinge adjustments, a shave, or a bit of lubricant (soap) on the latch. Even if you do not get a fix you may have demonstrated some skills and get to know the person better.

    It can be hard living so close to people with little tolerance for others.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Mackay, Queensland


    thanks handyjack for the reply. the door was replaced be me after the last tenent moved out, he put his fist through it, and yer i have asked if the door needs fixing and i was not rude in anyway i asked, and i got told to fairy peguen (Red Fire Truck) you get the idea.

    In all my working life, heavey steel construction i have never taken a dilike to a person so soon after meeting them, so i have to grin a bear it. the other problem is if i move my tools down to this container does my contents ins cover or do i have to take out a seperate one, and because it a shop area do i have to apply for a business lic (i do sell some of the thing i make and do get orders for chairs)

    Where to Go Next

  4. #4
    crowie's Avatar
    crowie is offline Life's Good, Enjoy each new day & try to encourage
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    Faulconbridge, Lower Blue Mountains


    I wouldn't move my tools somewhere that wasn't my space.
    I'd also have the specific's added to the insurance policy.
    And maybe it's worth having a good long chat with the landlord;
    especially if you've been there a long time as a good tennant.
    Not sure if that helps,
    but it sounds as though you are in a deal of trouble with this new tennant.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Sounds like the neighbour from hell. Apparently I have just moved next to one of those too. The neighbour on the other side reckons they have a bit of a mental health problem. I haven't met them..... yet! Sounds like the land lord is alright thpough! Although I hope his choice of tenent doesn't back fire on him. Not you! The other guy. Maybe that flat is cursed? Why did the door end up with a fist through it?

    I reckon the idea of a container might be a good one regardless. I was pondering that, but I found a new place with a shed. All be it a tiny one. About the size of Wouldwood's though so I STILL have no excuse. At least a container will be you own asset, and you can move it somewhere else if you need to.
    ea Lady

    (White with none)
    Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Mackay, Queensland


    thanks gays and gals for the replies, sorry i have to go and have some sleep. for the area i traval every night is a round trip of 500 km and i start around midnight to one oclock and finish around 9.00 - 10.00 ockock. i will bring youall up to speed on what in need to do. the container is probly the way to go but power is a problem. and this is mackay try finding a shed under $300 aweek and a two bedroom under $300 thats livable

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    Bad neighbours must be everybody's nightmare. I am lucky in that I have never really experienced that.

    I would buy a diary and note every nuisance this person causes you. Every time the door is slammed and every instance of him winding up the volume on the telly etc. At some point in time you will need to discuss the situation with the landlord, probably in response to your neighbour's complaint, and that is the time to point out your neighbour is a little less than lillywhite himself.

    As far as the container is concerned it is my impression that your landlord wants to rent the container to you so TL's comment that at least you could take it with you won't apply, but I may have mis-understood.

    Shipping containers have their problems too. By the way $50 per week is excessive. As you can buy one for $2500 to $3000 delivered your rent will completely pay for one in the first year! There again I suppose you do have to have a place to put it and there wouldn't be a lot of room in your flat.

    Everything in Mackay is expensive I suppose, because of the boom.

    However I am digressing. Back to the problems. A container is dark inside so even with the doors open you may require additional light. In summer they are hot. We have three containers. One is used for storage of surplus furniture. The second is used to store my materials and tools (I have another open shed for work). Both these containers have been painted cream externally to reduce the inside temperature.

    The third container is my son's which he uses as workshop to make his didgeridoos. It has been painted white internally and that is satisfactory to work in, but I notice that he normally has his flouros on too.

    However the outside of his container is a medium blue colour and this makes the container hotter than hades. He doesn't know it yet, but his Christmas present this year is a big tin of cream paint. My containers with the doors closed are cooler than his with the door open. That is the difference the colour makes.

    Even if the container is a light colour externally, be prepared to run a fan as well or any work will start to become a trial.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Oberon, NSW


    Are bear traps still illegal in public places? Like... immediately outside his door?
    I may be weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.

    - Andy Mc

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Harmers Haven Victoria


    What a miserable story. Hope the landlord does the right thing by you. You are the long term sitting tenant and should have some priority rights here. Good luck.

    Wood Butcher

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I had a neighbour from hell once. !.

    I was pretty young in the early seventies and rented a house in the inner suburbs of Hobart.
    With my landlords blessing, I used the huge garage for my boat building.

    I was always aware of the close proximity of neighbors. ( I come from the country and still live there now. But no neighbours. )

    My neighbour from hell, would complain to my land lord about ANY noise I made.
    Be it tools, or getting home late from work, eg closing the car door, turning on the outside light, my headlights lighting up his lounge room as I drove in. Once he even complained about my washing machine because he said he could hear it late at night. He was right of course. As a single man, it was not unusual for me to put the Hoover twin tub on at 9pm.

    Finally after nearly 2 years my land lord had had enough. He had no problems with me at all. I was even employed by him at times to do maintenance on his properties.
    But this neighbour had his home phone number and constantly pestered him.

    The end result. I lost it. Yep went to this guys door in a really bad frame of mind to sort him out.
    Not nice, I know.
    The end result was, I never heard another peep from him, neither did my landlord for the rest of my time on the property.

    Now that I am older And have hopefully learned a little more about people, I wish I had tried to be friends with this neighbour. He may have had mental problems, perhaps depression. He lived alone and as far as I know had no job.

    As hard as it was then. I have learned a lesson.

    I hope you can resolve your problem.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Harmers Haven Victoria


    Hookedup you make a good point. Its worth the attempt to engage. Of course he could be an utter ####

    Wood Butcher

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Mackay, Queensland

    Default Gary has escaped the flat

    Sorry the update is only to see if I have been able to upload a photo of the new place, and the new workshop? I will be starting a new there'd when I work out how to upload new photo's

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Dandenong, Vic


    I would have made all the noise I like legally and stop at 10pm during the week and 12 pm weekends. If his requirements were for a quiet place to sleep early he should have considered it when renting, he should have got a house.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Great to hear you have got a place to work then.
    ea Lady

    (White with none)
    Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Mackay, Queensland

    Default Going to start a new thread / topic

    Sorry everybody.

    I know this a old post and with the problems that I was having in the flat, I regards to noise. I have moved . I now live in a 3 bedroom house on a 3000 mt2 block of land for less than the rent I was paying for the flat. There is enough room for my new workshop and the work trucks to be parked, and I can swing a dozen cats.

    I got a shipping container, paid $500 + dilivery. It's 9'6" high and 20' long, there is a iittle damage but what do expect for the money I paid for it. One of the blokes I know here works with paint and sand blasting and for a good BBQ he will paint it inside and out, I think it will take more than one BBQ. Plus Queensland beer

    There rust on everything for from not being used or cleaned. Anyway got to go to work and here is the first photo.

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