Gday all.

Wanted to discuss reading the forums (again). Haven't seen an answer to this one yet.

To read the forums each time I have the "new posts" link set as a bookmark in firefox, and I open each thread of interest in a new tab.

As I'm on dialup and each new thread / page / whatever takes a few moments to load I flick between reading opened threads and clicking on new ones to open.

If there's a fair bit going on it takes a while to read 'em all, and occassionally I get timed out when I get up to selecting, say, page 6 of new posts.

This is fine if I only visited yesterday, I use the get daily link ( ) to view all posts from the last 24 hours and I can see where I've read up to.

If my last visit was, say, 4 days ago there are obviously a lot of posts to catch up on. If I get timed out I resort to viewing each forum and seeing if I have missed anything. This is a little tedious and I'm after a better way. there a way (similar to get daily) to view posts for a given period of time, eg. previous 4 days. That way I can see what's gone on in my absence and all's well with the world.

Another way I guess would be, when first jumping on, to open each page of new posts in a new tab or window and work my way through thataway, This would work and I have tried it, it's just a bit too organised for this little vegemite and I'm after an alternative.

Just had a thought, would logging out and viewing "new posts" as a lurker work? Might give it a try.

Hope someone has another idea.............cheers...............Sean