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3rd May 2008, 05:58 PM #1
Overnight frost - is this going to cause me problems?
Hi all,
I am at the stage of oiling my completed deck. I gave it a clean today and it's drying out. I plan on hitting it with a coat in the morning - waiting the hour or two as recommend and hiting it with a second coat. Now, being from Canberra it's starting to get pretty cold - there has been some cold mornings with a light frost/dew. Do you think this could cause me major problems?
It's going to be about 17 tomorrow - so it should get a good level of drying done. I would cover the deck at night with a massive tarp if required.
Any help would be great
3rd May 2008, 06:58 PM #2
When you say oil i gather you mean something like feast and watson not spa n deck.....
In the morning you will need to wait for the day to warm and the 1 hour between coats on the F & W tin is a fantasy...
If you wait in the morning til its been warm for 2 hours the first coat will be fine
The second coat is the one that'll will cause you the bother as it will sit more on top and take longet to dry.. If it hasn't dried enough and you got a heavy due then you could suffer a pigment shift which happened to me when i tried to get a coat on too close to the afternon in winter..
The next morning the deck instead of being brown had red pigment dots all over it.. I had to rub the deck down by hand with turps and apply another coat...
If its truely cold it will be determined by what time you put the first coat .. I'd waith til 10am put the first on and if you have to do 2 in one day get it on by 2pm to allow some dry time before the chill
My advice in this situation is a coat a day done aound 10am
cheers utemad
3rd May 2008, 07:15 PM #3
Did you decide to go with oil rather than the Spa N Deck?
The first step towards knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.
3rd May 2008, 08:40 PM #4
Frost wouldn't be as big a deal with spa n deck as the first coat goes on wet anyway so as long as its not really cold your sweet and your coats are only 2hrs apart... 3 coats in a day on a cold day could be a challenge though
cheers utemad
3rd May 2008, 08:53 PM #5
I have decided to go an oil - see if I like it and how long it lasts - I may use spa and deck in the future.
Ok utemad:
I can do the first coat Sunday and a second coat Monday at 10am. I check the BOM site and it says possible showers Tuesday - will this be a problem??? could I then do a third coat later in the week or next weekend?
4th May 2008, 02:23 PM #6
Once again assuming its F & W deck oil
1 coat sunday
1 coat monday
Rain Tuesday wont be a problem
Third coat is possibly too much if the deck is brand new
Id prefer to clean it and apply third coat after winter once the deck has settled.. The third coat wont most likely sink in now and will sit on top attracting dirt.. If the deck is a few years old and weathered then the third coat will most likely suck down .. you'll know by what the second one looks like
cheers utemad
4th May 2008, 02:26 PM #7
just rechecked that your deck is new... so stick with 2 coats and 1 after winter has passed which will give you a clean well coated deck for Canberras scorching summer..Never understood Canberra freezing cold in winter and 45' in summer when the rev head show is on..
cheers utemad
5th May 2008, 08:15 AM #8
Thanks guys,
On Saturday night there was a pretty heavy frost so the deck took a while to dry (about 11am). I got a coat on and it came up really well and dried very nicely. I don't think I could have got a second coat on, but saying that this morning is perfect with no frost - meaning the deck isn't wet. I will be chucking the second coat on at 11am again.
Thanks for all the help
5th May 2008, 07:40 PM #9
5th May 2008, 07:56 PM #10
5th May 2008, 09:00 PM #11
Firstly...wait a day or so. Eventually it will dry. But it might not look that brilliant.
If it's not everything you hoped for once dry, then simply re-sand it and start again.
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