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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Port Noarlunga, South Australia

    Default White Cedar Table Project - Help!!

    Hi Everyone, really putting this one out there for anyone, with any advice, suggestions or help.
    I was lucky to grab an off cut of a White cedar tree cut down 3 weeks ago in my unit complex, the tree was perfectly healthy but had grown too large and was very close to 2 other units.
    Shame that the timber was to be taken away and literally chipped.

    I asked to take some logs away and my nephew who helped me spotted this large well cut (chainsaw) piece suitable for a table.

    being the Chief of Procrastinators, I should have been writing this post the day I got the timber, but now 3 weeks later it's developed a large crack, from drying out too quick, see attached pics.
    At the moment I am treating it like the 'beached whale' and throwing water on it, will that do any good?

    Plan A. was to ask for advice of a really smooth finish to the top, ie sanding and lacquer, resin.
    Plan B. now I am looking at a solution to prevent or stop the cracking.

    A female friend, who is building her own house, suggested drilling long holes through the timber top and using long threaded rods and washers and nuts and 'tie' it together, adding to the 'rustic' look of it.
    Dimension shown in red of a suggested path to run the rods.
    I have made some inquiries through Long Drill bits and had a quick response from Phill Morris who suggested a particular drill bit 1m long, with a $150 price ticket, mmm wasn't ready for that one.

    Ok, any ideas, suggestions will all be appreciated, as 'out there' or conservative.
    Ps friends think the large crack is part of the look.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    The bolts in the suggested locations won't solve the problem as they will increase tension elsewhere in the timber. Rounds cut from green timber are very hard to dry without cracking. Some timbers are more resiliant than others. White cedar is not one of them. Coming into summer is only going to make it harder. You could try sealing the cut faces with a log sealer and storing in a cool location to try to slow the drying process as much as possible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Perth WA


    Basically what Rusty says... given the thickness of it you need to let it settle and season for several years (not a few months). It will do its own thing. All the bark will fall off. And I dare say it will develop a lot more cracks. You could try wrapping it very heavially in gladwrap

    I have a stack of White Cedar/Cape Lilac that was milled about 4 years ago. Most of the small/short dia logs have cracks in their ends.
    Experienced in removing the tree from the furniture

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Port Noarlunga, South Australia

    Default White Cedar Table Project - Help!!

    Thank you guys for your replies and suggestions, i spoke with the tree lopper last weekend and told him how it was going, his suggestion,"wrap it in plastic and bury it the garden for 12 months" plastic to stop any termites and slow the drying process down.
    Maybe I'll give the idea of coat it with the oil and store it away, like I said, such a novice!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Perth WA


    Quote Originally Posted by Bryanoz View Post
    Thank you guys for your replies and suggestions, i spoke with the tree lopper last weekend and told him how it was going, his suggestion,"wrap it in plastic and bury it the garden for 12 months" plastic to stop any termites and slow the drying process down.
    Maybe I'll give the idea of coat it with the oil and store it away, like I said, such a novice!
    So did this workout?
    Experienced in removing the tree from the furniture

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Rod, Bryanoz hasn't been seen since 2012. I suspect you shouldn't raise your hopes of a reply.

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