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Thread: Who am I: Number VII
6th May 2013, 01:54 PM #1
Who am I: Number VII
Who am I: Number VII
Explanations of Cognitive Dissonance:
Originally Posted by From the WIKI
Originally Posted by WIKI
Originally Posted by WIKI
When we spend a large sum of money that may not have been necessary, the 'high' of the acquisition is quickly followed by the depressive 'low' of spending scarce resources on what was not really necessary. (a common occurrence on this forum for all of us I fear purchasing unnecessary tools ... haaa)
We rationalise this by convincing ourselves it was a bargain, it will save money 'in the future', we needed it for such and such a reason .. ... and other such BS.
The Quiz Question:
Cognitive Dissonance is the ability that all humans possess, to tell ourselves comforting lies, convincingly and unknowingly, in order to avoid a truth we cannot explain or immediately accept..
What short Nursery Rhyme succinctly sums this up ?
(Google iz allowed !!)
6th May 2013, 05:26 PM #2
... and here was I thinking cognitive dissonance was the stress that arose from the conflict caused when the mind overrides the body's desire to kick the living shyte out of some twerp who actually deserved it!!!!
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6th May 2013, 06:56 PM #3
Wow .... Looks like I am on a winner here. A google proof question .... Haahaa
6th May 2013, 07:58 PM #4
Mate, i growed up a long time ago!! I've forgotten most nursery Rhymes.
Was only when I was of more mature years that I twigged onto the real meaning of some of
those jingles. And to try to now associate any with cognitive dissonance ( undreamt of at the
time they wee composed ), is stretching the few good grey matter cells I have left.
Apart from that thieving liar of a Jack Horner I am bereft of ideas!
I think a snort or two of a good fluid may help.!
6th May 2013, 09:10 PM #5
I will wait and see if Big Shed drops in ... If not I'll give a clue.
6th May 2013, 09:15 PM #6
Possibly Mary. One of the variants has cuckolds in a row!
Wood Butcher
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6th May 2013, 10:09 PM #7
ring a ring of rosies
a pocket pull of posies
a'tish-u, a'tish-u
we all fall down
?regards from Alberta, Canada
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6th May 2013, 10:49 PM #8
No nursery rhymes about GW Bush are there?? He'd fit magnificently.
Thought of Little Miss Muffet... nah; Georgie Porgie .. nah; Mary, Mary.. have to think more on that but it doesn't seem to fit.
Sing a Song of Sixpence ...........Nah.
Process of elimination will be slow so I shall go to bed and sleep on it.
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7th May 2013, 07:26 AM #9
Sorry Michael, Ian and Arthur ... All wrong.
Clue 1: Cognitive Dissonance .. Faced with a new concept, idea, reality .. You ignore it, mostly unconsciously, and reaffirm your own stability/reality by only allowing the familiar to penetrate your mind.
Itz a good clue ... And probably too much now given away.
7th May 2013, 08:47 AM #10
Hmmm. When Humpty Dumpty used a word it meant exactly what he meant, no more, no less.
Wood Butcher
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7th May 2013, 09:15 AM #11
Sorry .. no .... nice try
This nursery rhyme literally describes the person seeing the 'new reality' and ignoring it ... unable to 'realise' it and so reducing it to the 'reality' he/she is familiar with.
7th May 2013, 09:50 AM #12
Hang on, what's the one about the kings new suit of clothes?
Wood Butcher
7th May 2013, 10:19 AM #13
Sorry .... but getting closer ... (by the inclusion of royalty)
7th May 2013, 06:28 PM #14
When Mary had a little lamb the doctor was surprised,
But when old MacDonald had a farm - He couldn't believe his eyes!!
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8th May 2013, 03:52 PM #15
Now it's not Little Jack Horner, even though I can see two possibilities here.
It's not The Emperor's New Clothes, Mostly because I suppose this is a story,
not a nursery rhyme and not a short one at that. Mind you it is a beautiful fit.
So, from the clue given it has to involve royalty.
Does the reference to royalty need to be direct or can it be oblique or suggested?
It pains me to ask these questions.
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