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Thread: new gun recomendations
6th July 2014, 09:27 PM #1
new gun recomendations
ooking to purchase a new spraygun -
i have a star s-770 [1.7 mm tip] which is very good but way too big for spraying a single guitar -
quite a large amount of finish needs to be available for it to work plus a good deal of pressure
i have a cheap touch up gun which is about the right scale but lacks the controls of big bro
it has a top trigger and it works on suction - one control wheel that doesn't do anything until it shuts off the supply of fluid - or air maybe - either on or off
what i like about the suction tyoe is the pot is easy to get off so you can clean the gun easy
i use wb finishes which you cant really leave in the gun past an hour
wondering how i would go puiling off the pot on a hvlp without getting finish every where
can you buy spare pots??
i kind like the look of the mini hvlp units and i seen a star on gargle for around $90 which looks intresting
wondering what you guys use and if you have any recommendations
thanks for any and all input
ray c
dunno what's more fun, buyin' the tools or usin' em'
9th July 2014, 11:30 PM #2
I use the above guns and many more... The touch up guns can be bought cheap (SCA -$30 I paid last time) but be careful you can get the nozzle out - some appear to be seized in very tight and you can risk cracking the gun trying to undo it.... The more expensive touch up ones (brand name) are about double the price but very easy to take apart to clean.
Gravity feed - I have had good experiences with these, and also normal pot type guns, both cheap and expensive. I like the cheaper ones for stain, so I can throw them away when the seals start to leak (about a year old) and I would recommend you spend time (as much as you need) in setting up the gun when you get it, to get the fan and air just right..... there are numerous youtube videos on how to do this. When I started spraying (about 17 years ago) the boss (in the furniture restoration shop I was working) used all kinds of guns, many were cheap ones, but he had over 40 years experience spraying, so never doubt the value of experience !! An experienced sprayer can make a cheap gun look good, and a novice can have issues with a expensive/good gun - especially if it is not set up right....
All the best !!
10th July 2014, 12:44 AM #3
I got this about a year ago and it's been a cheap and cheerful small sprayer - AIR SPRAY GUN TOUCH UP 100ML BR - Supercheap Auto Australia
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