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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Researching old WW Machinery

    Researching old WW Machinery.

    I've recently been looking at about 30 gold and silversmith's makers punches and have found Trove a fantastic resource of old newspaper advertisements for Melbourne, suburban, country Vic and Tassie jewellers working around the 1900s to pre WW2

    Yesterday I went looking for S Robertson Pty Ltd, the name on a plate on my bandsaw.
    There might be an easier way to navagate it, but I'll describe what I do, and any info on a better way is more than welcome.

    I typed into Google
    s robertson pty ltd niagara lane "trove"
    and the first result was

    07 May 1932 - Classified Advertising

    Argus Saturday 7 May 1932
    on that page (Firefox) I go to the top click on, Edit - Find - then type robertson into the find box.
    Then on the left of the page I find the highlighted text, left click on the word robertson, and an invitation to fix the text appears, and the text on the news page centers on the panel.
    I zoom in to read it, print screen to copy it.

    These searchers are a real rabbit put aside some time.

    It seems there was also brothel in Niagara Lane ...

    May Brown, & young, well set up woman, was charged at the City Court on Monday with importuning. She pleaded not guilty, and was represented by Mr. N. H. Sonenberg.
    Interesting reading ....

    Any other vintage WW machinery information search tips you might want to share???

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    The search capability of Trove is pretty sophisticated without needing Google.
    You can filter results by State, newspaper, decade, ads/articles, with/without photos.
    There are also other publications like photos, books and articles.
    Home - Trove
    Lots of interesting stuff there. We recently found a letter to the editor on Trove written by my Grandmother as a 9 year old.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012



    he trove archives are great. A few glitches with character recognition of the scans, and it can be a bit tough to find the text on the page. But an excellent resource none the less.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Newcastle NSW



    Great idea for a thread, research can be tedious, and it's good to learn more tricks.

    With Trove, one thing that took me a bit was finding the piece of text in the newspaper page (as sometimes it is hard to find if it doesn't just highlight that section). Once I have the page up, I click ctrl F and type the search txt in. Once it finds the txt on the left side (the txt recognition side), I then double click on the txt recognition txt and the window will adjust so that text is in the top left of the page (this is handy when zooming in).

    Another thing I use a lot is when googling, click on the images tab, this shows the images associated with the search.

    Lastly, mixing up the words, just a small change in your wording can give vastly different results, in Google and Trove.

    I hope the suggestions keep comming, I can use all the help I can get with researching.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Melbourne, Australia.


    I'm new to the Trove Newspaper search but as stated here, I can see some useful information yielded from old news papers, information such as company addresses, dates that a company was trading or closing, types of machinery produced etc..
    For me I have always gone by Manufactures or Merchants catalogues as a great resource, take the McPherson's catalog's for instance, complete with pictures and descriptions, these catalogues are useful for identifying a machine, closely dating a machine, size and capacity of a machine, even down to the RPM a machine should run.
    McPhreson's catalog's are pretty common, an ebay search usually turns up quite a few.
    Manufactures catalogues on the other hand are not common, the reason for this is most were, for the later part of the century pamphlet based information, single information sheets on individual machines given out by a manufacture or sometimes in a bound and riveted folder.
    Because manufactures advertised their goods using this type of ephemera, and not in a bound book as such, people were less likely to keep this material, and especially as new and updated machines were coming on to the market all the time, the information quickly dated.
    Its only now that we are realizing how important this type of information is to people who wish to restore old woodworking machinery.

    Melbourne Matty.

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