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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    New Zealand

    Default Another little project out of the sketchbook and into the physical world!

    After turning something over in my head and on paper for a few months it is quite satisfying to turn it into a three dimensional object. So it was for a three legged chair I started to design about a year ago. The idea was that on uneven hard outdoor surfaces a three legged chair would have less stress on timber joints (and might therefore be expected to last longer- at least compared to the foldable four legged wooden chairs we have used in the past).
    I was most curious to see how stable it felt to sit in as this was hard to predict from looking at it on paper. As it turns out, it feels just like a normal chair when sitting in a normal position and as long as you sit straight down on it, or place even pressure while holding the front corners of the seat as you sit down, it doesn't misbehave. You can tuck your own legs underneath without two chair legs to obstruct you too.

    The lateral brace for the front leg is slotted into the bottom of the seat with a dovetail join across the width of the seat and the front leg itself slots into the seat with a mortice/tenon join visible on the top of the seat.

    Another brace connects from the front leg to the rail supporting the rear of the seat, in case the person sitting in the chair leans back (swinging on the back legs). This reduces stress on the slotted fit between the seat into the rear legs.
    2013-11-11 19.46.50.jpg2013-11-11 19.47.11.jpg2013-11-21 15.30.11.jpg2013-11-11 19.48.02.jpg2013-11-11 19.48.16.jpg
    Sorry, not sure why all the pics are rotated?

    I call it the Tuk Tuk Chair after the popular mode of transport in South East Asia
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