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Thread: Getting older

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Getting older

    For the last 4 days I have been gutting the inside of our 27 year old main bathroom readying it for a complete makeover.

    The chap who's doing the reno provided an itemised quote and said we could change/add/subtract etc and even do bits ourselves. When I saw in the quote he was going to charge $800 for the demolition, and feeling more chipper than usual I said I would do it. I did it slowly over 4 days spending about 5 (slow) hours each day on it so I figure I've been working for $40/hr which is way better than my usual $5/hr rate in the shed (although of course there I'm doing what I like to do).

    The first day was easy - removing taps and sealing off the mains water outlets, removing towel rails/pictures etc. Then it got harder and harder. The old tiles were stuck on very hard. Above waist height on the walls where the 100 year old lime plaster was not stuck very hard to the bricks I had to use a hammer and chisel and gentle blows but they did not come of early and still lost a slot of plaster in the process. Below waist height the wall plaster was a concrete, as was the floor. so the faithful Ozioto jack hammer came into its own. But the tiles did not "pop" off as expected and it was hot/sweaty/dusty work and I could clearly see why they charged $800.

    I was fully PPP up. I've got these beaut anti vibe gloves for chainsaw use and they came in handy on the jackhammer (they cost more than the jackhammer), ear muffs, safety glass, and P2 paper dust mask. The one thing I didn't wear at first was long pants and tile chips peppered the thin skin on my exposed shins multiple times before I realised I had blood running down my legs. For the few minutes where I wasn't wearing gloves and picked up the jack hammer to clear a few tiles around the dunny drain hole a tile chip sliced my thumb in two places and I bled like s stuck pig but they were fixed with a couple of Tough Band aids - a painful reminder to wear gloves.

    The most tiring thing was carrying the broken rubble out to the skip. I decided not to use a barrow to reduce mess in the house .
    Initially I used a 20L single handed pail but the switched to using one of SWMBOs 2 handed 30L stable buckets like this and found it easier to carry.
    Screen Shot 2021-05-10 at 5.55.28 am.jpg
    I would remove enough tiles to half fill the bucket 3 times and was then able to remove the muffs and carry the tiles out in 3 trips, and then have a short breather. I started each day around 7 am and stopped around lunch time and was able to clean up and have my grandpa daytime nap at around 1pm.

    When I was inside the bathroom I ran my dust/particle counter and it was indeed often well above OHS recommended levels. With the door closed and small window open, using the hammer and chisel the dust levels reached about 3x the recommended levels. Using the jack hammer and sweeping up generated up to 7X the safety levels. I ran the bathroom fan continuously so even wit the bathroom door open very little dust got out into the rest of the house. As soon as I stopped making dust in the bathroom the levels dropped very quickly and within ~60 seconds was back below OHS recommended levels. This was probably due to several factors - small room with a constant flow of air through the room generated by the exhaust fan, and because tile dust is between 2.5 and 5 times heavy heavier than wood dust so it would settle out very quickly

    Despite using a mask towards the end of the day I did feel a certain grittiness on my teeth which I'm sure was the tile dust . I think this shows that P2 paper masks are not very effective especially for people with beards.

    10 years ago this job would have been a doddle for me but with my ongoing health issues, dickey knees, and generally getting older I admit I did hesitate before taking it on. By the end of each 5 hour day my back, shoulders and arms were very sore, but with a cocktail of paracetamol and anti inflammatories I have to say I've slept better than usual on the following nights.

    Initially this reno was not going to start until June so I though I had heaps of time to do it but early last week the start date got moved to today and that left us with 7 days to go get all the stuff (bath/vanity/loo taps etc) and completely gut the bath room so I was a bit worried I would not complete it in time. Last night I got call saying they are not going to start until tomorrow - Ha. Today I can go back to playing in the shed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    moonbi nsw Aus


    That's a very interesting story Bob. It is hard to get through to our brain that "we don't work like that any more". Making yourself take things steady is so alien when you remember what we used to do.

    Last Thursday (Sorry for running off your case) I installed at my daughter's place, some paneling made from 12mm MDF. I made it up with 3 sheets of MDF with the "styles and rails" attached so we could easily transport it from my shed to her house. To start with I had a lot of trouble getting the full sheets onto the Panel Saw to cut them to size. The weight of them made it hard and with my sore legs and hip the job didn't come easy. I got it assembled and under coated it then the son-in-law came out in his ute to take the project to his house. Installing it was not easy either.

    I would have preferred to kneel down to screw the panels to the wall but I couldn't fold up my legs to do that and ended up lying on the floor to do it.

    When I left to come home my left leg from hip to foot gave me a lot of pain and I was glad when the half hour trip was over. Today I am going to a Physiotherapist and I am hoping he can get me moving easier.

    Bob, enjoy your new bathroom.
    Just do it!

    Kind regards Rod

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Elizabeth Bay / Oberon NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    By the end of each 5 hour day my back, shoulders and arms were very sore, but with a cocktail of paracetamol and anti inflammatories I have to say I've slept better than usual on the following nights.

    Isobrufen aka Nurofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory as well as being an analgesic. IMO a worthy substitute for both paracetamol and steroids. It's worth a try.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Glider View Post

    Isobrufen aka Nurofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory as well as being an analgesic. IMO a worthy substitute for both paracetamol and steroids. It's worth a try.

    I did search for isobrufen but got nothing.
    I did get one hit for Isoprofen?
    Did you mean Ibuprofen?
    My cocktail was Advil and Panamax.

    chambezio, I'm the same age as yourself but fortunately can still kneel down and even squat (for a short period) and even get up again but I know what you mean about laying down on
    he job. I've done it many times

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Elizabeth Bay / Oberon NSW


    Apologies Bob, I think I was using an outdated name. Haven't seen the inside of a lab since 1970. Isoprofen aka Nurofen is the suggestion.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Welcome Creek QLD


    Is this what I have to look forward to when I get old?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South Australia


    Interesting reading I have nothing to add as it would just be repeating what has already been said

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    I can't say I'm getting older, I'm already there! I have no problems slowing down, my hands don't work well anymore, plus, some part of my body is usually wrapped up in bandages now while my joints are healing. Growing old is a royal PITA, it just reminds us that we're approaching the end. Given the male average age is 82, if I'm lucky and don't succumb to one of my health issues sooner, I only have 12 years left and given how fast time passes now, that's not very long at all, certainly not long enough to finish all that I want to finish, no sense in making plans now though! I hope they have workshops in the big kennel in the sky!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Campbelltown NSW


    Apparently one is old at 75. I recently completed the bowel cancer screen test sent through the mail and received an all clear. However the next paragraph tells me that because I’m 74 there would be no testing for me. Hang on I thought doesn’t the risk increase as one gets older. So a bit of research and yes it does.

    The rhetoric is that there are risks from operations and invasive investigations for bowel cancer in older people, and the chances are that after 75 with an median 82 year lifespan, that one will probably be on the way out from one of the common causes - heart problems, other cancers, stroke or dementia.

    Any death under 75 is regarded as a premature death so l guess a death over 75 is an expected death and there is no need for further screening.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Campbelltown NSW


    Coincidentally the day after my last post the NSW government has written to me letting me know that they are on side with the Feds view that one is old at 75 and on the decline. The letter advises that now I am turning 75 I will have to prove I am medically fit to drive a motor car by having to pass a medical assessment (three pages) by my GP every year.

    Although I am fairly confident of passing it’s just another reminder on what is considered “old”.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Yes, over 75 and you have to prove that you are capable of driving. Interestingly, the 16-17year old group are responsible for the most crashes. The 70-79group have the second lowest rates of crashes. Also of interest, the 70-79 group have a crash fatality rate of less than half that of the 16-17 group. Only the 80+ group were higher - marginally!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Campbelltown NSW


    Yes, although apart from self reporting or being dobbed in requirements vary from state to state.

    New South Wales, from 75 annual medical assessments. At 85 a practical driving test every second year.
    Victoria, no requirements.
    Queensland, from 75 must carry a medical certificate issued by a doctor renewed every 13 months.
    Western Australia, from 80 an annual medical assessment.
    South Australia, from 75 complete a self-assessment form.
    Northern Territory, no requirements.

    Tasmania, no requirements.
    ACT, from 75 must be annually examined by their own doctor.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Sorry to sound a bit like a broken record but here are a couple more tales of woe for your amusement.

    about a week and a half ago I fell over one of the dogs in the hallway.
    I was inside the house and could see the postie with a parcel in his hand that I was expecting walking along the front veranda to the front door. He's the one who rings the bells leaves little time for anyone to get to the door and immediately leaves the ticket under the door and walks off. As I had my attention on said postie I did not see the dog across the hall and tripped over her and landed on my right elbow and guts. I let out a few choice expletives which the postie must have heard, and then I got up and opened the front door and postie was still standing there open mouthed and just about to put the ticket under the door. Got the parcel but it was not for me but for SWMBO!

    Then I took stock and realised I had a bruised hip and elbow but nothing appeared to be broken.

    A few days later I went into the bedroom and SWMBO was already asleep and there were no lights on. I fumbled for the bedside lamp switch and managed to pull the lamp (with a moderately heavy Jarrah base) from the top of the bed head onto my left foot/ankle. Judging by the copious stream of expletives emitted, that hurt a lot more than the recent fall. Nothing obvious showed on my foot and thought nothing of it but the following few days my ankle became more and more -painful especially if I walked on it. The pain was very similar to that I experienced on my right ankle when I fractured it two years ago. Cant walk very far or stand up for long so most shed work is out - luckily I just got a 3D printer so endless amusement in that space available.

    I went to the doc and he prodded and poked every bone in my foot and nothing made me wince except for the area around the foot/leg joint. He said, probably just ligament damage, rest on it for a week and if still still hurts at the end of the week we'll organise an Xray. If it's a hairline fracture it will show up better on the X-ray by then as some scar tissue will have formed.

    Well it's certainly hurting even more and yesterday morning I emailed the doctor and told him it' starting to effect my sleep,. He remembers I broken my right ankle 2 years ago and replies,, have you still got the moon boot from the right ankle? and I said yes and he says put it on and come and get an X-ray referral on Monday. So -put on the moon boot but after a couple of hours of wearing it, it's thrown my dodgy right knee out.

    The thought of it being broken and having to spend 8 weeks in a moon boot is not good

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Just let the postie leave the parcels next time.
    I remember your posts from your last episodes,take care we don’t won’t you spending all your time on 3D printing.

    Cheers Matt

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    Quote Originally Posted by sacc51 View Post
    Yes, over 75 and you have to prove that you are capable of driving. Interestingly, the 16-17year old group are responsible for the most crashes. The 70-79 group have the second lowest rates of crashes. Also of interest, the 70-79 group have a crash fatality rate of less than half that of the 16-17 group. Only the 80+ group were higher - marginally!
    the 70+ age group is more susceptible to developing dementia. Possible strike 1. How many of us have a parent who has developed dementia?

    Plus the 65+ age group no longer have the ability to turn their heads as far to the side as a person under 50 does. The medical assessment for "Fitness to Drive" should include an assessment of a person's ability to turn their neck and head to the degree assumed in what used to be known as the Road Design Guide -- Chapter 3, if my memory serves. Potential strike 2.

    Besides, as a community we allow our kids to "learn to drive on the job". Graduated licencing only goes part way to addressing this training defect.
    It's little wonder that new drivers of any age, but predominately young kids, are charged higher insurance premiums while they develop the in-car experience and judgement they need to drive half decently. The insurance companies are not stupid.
    regards from Alberta, Canada


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