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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Help! what do I do now!

    Hi everyone,

    I just needed some advice for what to do for my next step.

    So I've just finished my 4 year Industrial design degree (I'm 22) and for my final year project I designed and built a wooden bicycle,


    here's a link to my website please take a look: Wooden bicycle “prototype 2″ « Zheng Chin Design

    Over the duration of the 4 year course, I have learnt the ability to design, draw, sketch and CAD. However the one skill I am sorely missing, is that involved in wood working and wood craft. I learnt a little during the course, and got a decent amount of exposure. But most has been from self experimentation, and looking at other designs/work and emulating it.

    I would love to continue to build and design these bicycles, however first I feel, I need to skill up further.

    So my question is, what is an appropriate path way to learn these necessary wood working skills to help take my designs further?
    Should I be self driven, and try to learn all those skills myself?
    Should I look for an apprenticeship as a cabinet maker?
    Should I apply for a school that teachers woodworking or even boat building?
    Should I talk to a few bespoke furniture companies and ask if they will take in any apprentices?

    Thanks for taking a read, and any suggestions would be great!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Any of the fields you have listed will give practical experience. You may need to be selective to find the level of work you are interested in. Bespoke work would give the finer skills, but you need to walk before you can run. Maybe a start in a joinery with the intention of bespoke work a little further down the track.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    moonbi nsw Aus


    Just my thoughts. I think to do an apprenticeship would be a very slow and frustrating way for you to go. Why I said that is, I think you have the "artistic flair" that comes from your designing background. An apprenticeship could stifle your enthusiasm. An apprenticeship is 4 years long but a lot of that time you would be regarded as an assistant to the tradesmen. Yes you can watch and learn but as I said it will be slow for you and lead to frustrations.
    I think if I were you I would look to doing a coarse with prominent facilities that can offer one to one training. It will probably be expensive but I think it would be worth it in the long run
    If you were to buy the latest Australian Woodworker Magazine they have listed such organisations that I am referring too.
    Just do it!

    Kind regards Rod

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    North of the coathanger, Sydney


    Sturt School for Wood - 10 week course
    Link here

    BTW great bike
    veni, vidi,
    Without wood it's just ...

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