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Thread: Womens Sheds
11th September 2013, 06:34 PM #1
Womens Sheds
'Mens Sheds' are popping up all over the place,which is great..but what about the idea of 'Womens Sheds',as they too(women) enjoy woodwork/craft etc!And they too need and deserve a place to unwind and be creative and social
.Just thought i'd put the idea out there,hope it comes to fruition..Cheers MM
11th September 2013, 06:46 PM #2
Lots of women are members at the Knox Woodworkers. I don't think it is a "men's shed" as such. Not specifically set up for mental health but cos people wanted to do woodwork.
I think some men's sheds have women's days.I'm not sure I really want a separate day, but I have been told in the past that men get embarressed about talking about personal stuff if there are women around.
Tea Lady
(White with none)
Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.
11th September 2013, 06:55 PM #3
Mens Sheds were not really set up for the purpose of woodwork or craft - that is just a means to an end.
Mens Sheds were set up to promote the health of older men. There are many places , if you are interested , where you can read about the reasons behind the movement.
I think most Mens Sheds have women members and I think most would welcome participation from anyone , providing that they have in mind that the purpose is to promote the health of older men.____________________________________________________________
there are only 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary arithmetic and those that don't.
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11th September 2013, 07:24 PM #4
Then why call them Mens Sheds
..i am suggesting a place(s)where women can collectively socialise,not unlike a Mens Shed..a place that is NOT male orientated,a Womens Shed.Women have health issues too,be it mental or physical..and i reckon they deserve their OWN place to hang out,chill and be themselves..that's all...MM
11th September 2013, 07:33 PM #5
11th September 2013, 07:37 PM #6
Chris your out of touch as far as woman and sheds go they have had them for so long its not funny. Country Womans Ass CWA, Spinners & Weavers, Knitters Guilds, Craft centres and much much more. Sadly due to age and low numbers these like many other clubs are slowly on the way out, other factors such as lifestyle changes etc also come into play.
Many Men Sheds have it written into consitutions MEN ONLY some as can be seen on Mens Shed Youtube have woman also as these often are the carers of hubby or are woodworkers themselves. These are mainly country centres where travle into town etc is shared time. Of all the Mens Sheds and some woodies clubs I have atteneded metro area woman are frowned on one club telling LOML and I she would have to go shopping or something I never returned.
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11th September 2013, 07:43 PM #7
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11th September 2013, 07:45 PM #8
Avery many Mens Sheds 5 or 6 I have been to are well set up one so good I/we are considering moving the as they have everything from computers to auto maintenance including metal and woodwork.
Promote the health of older menyeh right BBQ breakfasts, sausage sizzle lunches, coffee and tea all day long sit around and chat get fatter oh they do these at least at 4 of the shed visted. One shed I have heard of had fights over which beer to stock.
I understand AMSA Men Shed is run by a woman (I have had emails from her) its a conspiracy by women who do not want hubby sitting about ruining the life they have created all those years while hubby was at work.
11th September 2013, 07:47 PM #9
I don't disagree at all MM.
My only problem is that over the years lots of people have tried to piggyback on the success of Mens Sheds. Mens Sheds often get their funding through public and private grants that are specifically targetted to mens health. To perhaps dilute that with other interest groups means that the ability of the Mens Shed organisation to do their good work may be reduced
There are lots of woodworking, woodturning, gardening, and other special interest clubs that have survived and done good work for many years. They are not Mens Sheds.They will continue to serve the special interest needs of all sorts of people, but they are NOT Mens Sheds.____________________________________________________________
there are only 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary arithmetic and those that don't.
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11th September 2013, 07:50 PM #10
11th September 2013, 07:56 PM #11
I have no problem with the organisation being run by a woman - I mean the country was run by a woman fora couple of years...
What you said about " all those years while hubby was at work" kind of goes to theheart of the matter. Traditionally men worked 8 or more hours every day and their socialisation revolved around that work. When they retired they had no friends and no way to make friends hence the idea of a place to work and meet new people.
I know it sounds cheesy but it has worked. lonliness and depression are very, very real illnesses. Mens Sheds have done much to help.
Please don't trivialise a very important need . I thinkyou know what i mean.____________________________________________________________
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11th September 2013, 08:09 PM #12
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wheelinround liked this post
11th September 2013, 08:35 PM #13
I totally agree Mapleman.
Go ahead , set up a Womens Shed organisation, or just one Womens Shed. A great idea. Find a need, specify some objectives, perhaps write a constitution and work like hell toget it going. You have my total support.
Just don't use the Mens Shed organisation, or a specific Mens Shed as free resource.____________________________________________________________
there are only 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary arithmetic and those that don't.
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11th September 2013, 08:42 PM #14
11th September 2013, 08:57 PM #15
No problem with that view and they are at liberty to set up their own shed if enough women in an area want it.
I'm a volunteer at one of the first sheds in Victoria (been going for at least 11 years) and ours is set up by the local Community Health Service for Mens health.
During the years that I've been there the only woman that regularly came was the young female correction officer who came with one of her community service charge as part of his rehabilitation. Except in circumstances like that it's a male only set up.
There is a lot of confusion in the community as to what a shed is, what it does and how, as each shed is different. We get a lot of enquiries as to can you make something for me, fix something for me or can we come and use your facilities. All of which we decline as what we do is usually for a shed member, or their family, and at our own pace as for most of us the journey is the healing part rather then the finish.
Hope that clears some misconceptions as I groan each time when I read the suggestion to try a Mens shed to make something or use their equipment.
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