Hey guys i have a problem, I have recently started a reno and now ive hit a snag. I am having some issues with building a door jamb. I was wondering if thr is a stp to step guide on the net about starting to finishing one.Im not a tradi so i hope this topic isn't a hug waste of time.

Issue 1: the opening isn't a standard opening its 2020 X 820 (opening), im currently looking for a rplacment door that i will need to mill down ( the milling is fine dad has bench saws ) . Ive been asking around and people have sugsted to mak the jamb around the door. not the otehr way round ? why is that ??

Issue 2 : getting everything plumb and set, would some on know where thr is a sticky or thread about making a jamb from start to finish. Some help would b gratly appreciatd. This may seem ike a simple fix for a seasoned reno'r , but for me its the start so help is greatly appreciated

thanks toby

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