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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default wanted free auto spell checker

    My daughter is very bad at spelling so I sent her a small program called spell which attatches itself to outlook email. She has just responded by asking how does she know she has misspelt a word ??????? she has to click the icon to find out ( that's how bad she is) I think Microsoft word has an auto speller but she cannot afford to buy it. I did a google search for a free auto spell but no result. Perhaps somebody has a suggestion ( I told her to go back to school ) ?????????

    Thanks for any help

    Jean Bloom

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Outlook already has an in-built spell checker. You can turn it on in Options.
    I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.

    Regards, Woodwould.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    WW is correct just make sure your keyboard is set to Australian or International English and that in Word and in Outlook its set also to Australian English otherwise you will have conflicts in some cases depending on what you are running.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default spell checker

    I am now confused I was led to believe outlook did not have a spell checker active you had to install micosoft word or similar, this was because her outlook spell checker was greyed out, I told her to uninstall the spell program i gave her which she did and spell check in outlook (outlook 6 ) again became greyed out, spelling in tools (F7) is also greyed out. I admit I am not totaly capable with computers, perhaps a later version of outlook has the spell checker ???????. microsoft does and also open office HOWEVER here is where my lack of knowledge comes into play. She only wants the spell checker for emails if she installs open office can she send emails so that the recipient can recieve and read her email, IE I have recieved emails but could not open them because apparently i did not have the same program the sender used. Or am I way off track

    Thanks for replies

    Jean bloom

    PS I believe firefox has one but it took me infinate patience to explain over the phone how to send emails ( she is more a learner than i am) I dread what would happen If i tried to walk her through installing firefox as I dont know how to do it myself

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Quote Originally Posted by macklin View Post
    I am now confused I was led to believe outlook did not have a spell checker active you had to install micosoft word or similar, this was because her outlook spell checker was greyed out, I told her to uninstall the spell program i gave her which she did and spell check in outlook (outlook 6 ) again became greyed out, spelling in tools (F7) is also greyed out. I admit I am not totaly capable with computers, perhaps a later version of outlook has the spell checker ???????. microsoft does and also open office HOWEVER here is where my lack of knowledge comes into play. She only wants the spell checker for emails if she installs open office can she send emails so that the recipient can recieve and read her email, IE I have recieved emails but could not open them because apparently i did not have the same program the sender used. Or am I way off track

    Thanks for replies

    Jean bloom

    PS I believe firefox has one but it took me infinate patience to explain over the phone how to send emails ( she is more a learner than i am) I dread what would happen If i tried to walk her through installing firefox as I dont know how to do it myself

    Jean you are correct Word does have to be loaded there is a fix without it being installed ( to long winded) so here is a Free one Spell Checker For OE Freeware download and review - spell checking for Outlook Express from SnapFiles


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default spell checker

    thank you for your reply

    May i take some more of your valuable time and digress

    The spell checker i gave her is the one in your post above.
    she asked me quote "whot ! do you do if you dont know you spelt the word wrong" !!!!! it would appear you have to realise you have spelt it wrong then click on the spell checker to find the correct spelling a rather catch 22
    I suggested an auto speller which is when the problems started. She wants a free one She cannot afford microsoft office but I believe open office ( free ) has an auto speller. NOW for the problem which has puzzled me for quite a while.

    Please bear in mind my almost total lack of knowledge but if you install a program like open office or microsoft office it takes over your email and when you send an email the recipient has to have the same program to open it. Which could explain why sometimes i have recieved an email but could only open it by having the same program I did not bother, OR use " open with" in XP which i dont know how to use anyway. Can you correct me with any of the above

    Thank you once again

    Jean Bloom

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Outlook is part of Microsoft Office, so (I presume, as I didn't realise Word had to be installed for the spell checker to work - I have the full suite installed) all your daughter has to do is install Word from the CD Rom. Or are you talking about Outlook Express? The same may apply.
    I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.

    Regards, Woodwould.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Redcliffe Qld


    G'day Jean

    As wheelinround indicated, Outlook Exp. has no dedicated spell check. Try the workaround if you like, it works ok. There are others I think, Windows Live Mail???
    Alternatively, you or your daughter might consider replacing OE with Thunderbird.
    Thunderbird download for Windows can be found here.

    Mozilla Thunderbird - Reclaim Your Inbox

    Thunderbird has built in spell check, and very good security. It's not a full blown office suite. Very lean and intuitive. My Dad and Mum, (mid 80's, shush), love this e-mail web thingy whatchamacallit after being set up on a Linux box in 2006. Within four months dial-up was no longer an option, had to be broadband.

    If you write/type an e-mail in Thunderbird, the receiver, whatever their operating system is, will be able to read it. I think that's what you're asking. The same should apply for any of the e-mail progs. out there.

    Easy install on Windows, simply download, follow prompts and you're done.

    You're on the money with Firefox, great browser, though getting a little bloated.
    You mentioned you're not sure of the install procedure for Firefox. Install happens fairly automagically after download. Download to your desktop and click on the install icon. Again, follow the prompts. No need to uninstall OE or IE, just answer 'yes' when Thunderbird or Firefox ask if you want them to be your default e-mail/browser.

    Hope this helps

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Default spell checker

    thank you all for your most appreciated replies I had downloaded firefox and am ready to install it

    once again thank you all

    jean bloom

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Redcliffe Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by macklin View Post

    She wants a free one She cannot afford microsoft office but I believe open office ( free ) has an auto speller. NOW for the problem which has puzzled me for quite a while.

    Please bear in mind my almost total lack of knowledge but if you install a program like open office or microsoft office it takes over your email and when you send an email the recipient has to have the same program to open it. Which could explain why sometimes i have recieved an email but could only open it by having the same program I did not bother, OR use " open with" in XP which i dont know how to use anyway. Can you correct me with any of the above

    Thank you once again

    Jean Bloom
    Ahh... sorry Jean, just looked at your last post again. (playing street cricket all day with the neighbours, to much sun, prawns and XXXX)

    If you install M$ Office or Open Office, it's not a matter of them taking over your e-mail. If you send me an e-mail, (I think you're using Outlook Express on XP), and you type that e-mail in Outlook then I will be able to read it and vice-versa.

    If you send me a document as an attachment to an e-mail which you composed in MS Word, then I will be able to read it.

    I'm on a Linux box and use Open Office. No Microsoft to see here, move along now.

    So, if I send you a document, (composed in Open Office), attached to an e-mail, then as courtesy to you, knowing you're using MS and Outlook, I'll convert the document to a .doc file so you'll be able to read it. (it's just one click).

    If you receive an e-mail with just unreadable gibberish, much like I'm doing herethen I guess it's possible that it was typed out in some other office suite than Word and not converted.


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