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Thread: Was I This Bad
18th May 2005, 11:43 PM #1
Was I This Bad
I really hope that i never appeared as naive, un-educated or just plain stupid when i was a teenager as the 2 people i happened upon this week.
1.Choosing colors is hard at the best of times, it seems even harder when both me a swimbo cant agree on a shade or tint.
We both bit the bullet today,so to speak, she would choose her favorite color and i would do the same....then we would pick a color in the middle of both...easy eh!
We presented said sample to checkout chick who asked " what color is that?" to which swimbo answered and replied that we had at least 12 samples at home.
Checkout chick offers a blank stare and seconds later says" wouldnt it have been cheaper to get a 1l tin rather than 12 samples" SWIMBO didnt have the heart to tell her that the 12 samples were all different colors!!!!
2.Went to a well known burger chain this morning to get some brekky, ordered the usual big brekky and as an after thought also said " thow in 1/2 a dozen nuggets too.
I was promptly informed by the checkout chick(blonde) that nuggets were not ordered in dozens and were only sold in packs of 6 or 12.
Is it just me or do others have similar stories to tell?if you always do as you have always done, you will always get what you have always got
19th May 2005, 12:11 AM #2
Thank god- I thought I was the only one thinking the world was now full of stupid, uneducated, naïve dropkicks.
"Clear, Ease Springs"
www.Stu's Shed.com
19th May 2005, 12:20 AM #3
I recently had an apprentice, that l asked to run a string line out about 20 feet,he looked at me and asked how far is that? 6 metre's l said. l got the same reply.
He was 2nd year, not sure how he got through the first.
19th May 2005, 01:15 AM #4
yesterday the checkout operator at the servo , bill for petrol was$32.60
Gave him a $50 note and $2.60 in coins hoping to get a $20 note change
He gave me the coins back and said that the $50 note would be enough and then gave a handful of change a lot of silver which he said was because they were short of $1 $2 coins.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
19th May 2005, 08:50 AM #5
Originally Posted by Shaty40
Sounds like youve got a problem there....you might try using mobile phones or I-pods as your unit of measurement. 6 metres would be about 60 Ipods.
Cheers MartinWhatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)
19th May 2005, 09:03 AM #6
I was in the U.S. one time and went to a supermarket and the checkout chick said in a mid western drawl "Oooh, I love your accent." she thought for a second or two and then asked "What's it like to have an accent?". I was lost for words.
Photo Gallery
19th May 2005, 09:14 AM #7
Some time ago I had to apply for a credit card. I was told to take all the usual identification which I did.
First was my personal credit card - No Probs
Driver's Licence - No probs
Birth Certificate - Big problem. The girl working for the bank informed me there was a problem because the birth certificate didn't have an expiry date! She had to put an expiry date on the form.
After telling her I didn't care for forms but did she realise what an expiry date on a birth certificate would mean, she looked blankly at me and sought the assistance of a bimbo slightly higher up the drain. I was told you don't need an expiry date on a birth certificate!!!!!!- Wood Borer
19th May 2005, 09:19 AM #8I really hope that i never appeared as naive, un-educated or just plain stupid when i was a teenager as the 2 people i happened upon this week.
Photo Gallery
19th May 2005, 09:29 AM #9
Originally Posted by Grunt
We misjudged a lot of them and the rest of them we were right, just like our generation - there's no fool like an old fool.- Wood Borer
19th May 2005, 10:47 AM #10
I always knew that I knew everything, just ask me I'll tell you. For example I remember when on the dairy farm the farmer asked me to milk a bull.........
geez.... I was a bloody good driver too !!!!!!!Zed
19th May 2005, 11:00 AM #11
Originally Posted by Zed
- Wood Borer
19th May 2005, 11:08 AM #12
1. Had a bloke working in a showroom in a wholesale electronics place, 3 months into introduction to electronics at TAFE and was telling engineers what they were doing wrong.
Got him one day when he was setting up a satellite dish, which direction is it pointed, 'North', how many degrees? '38', is that imperial or metric?
He went off to find out the difference.
2. Safeway, about 20 years ago when we were adopting a plethora of americanisms.
Check out chick takes my money and gives me change and as per the store policy stops chewing for a second and says 'have a nice day', being half asleep or whatever I didn't quite catch it and responded 'pardon', she followed with 'whats wrong mate-yer deaf?'.Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.
19th May 2005, 11:41 AM #13
Originally Posted by Grunt
That's why a lot of people don't know how to handle kids. We've forgotten what it's like to be one. I turned into my father and no doubt my daughter will hear echos of my voice when she shouts at my two grandaughters.
Same s**t, different day.
19th May 2005, 07:05 PM #14For example I remember when on the dairy farm the farmer asked me to milk a bull.........Photo Gallery
19th May 2005, 07:19 PM #15
How true
When I was 18 I thought my father was stupid, when I turned 26 I was amazed at how much he had learn't in the last 7 years
God must love stupid people; He made so many of us.