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Thread: I'm Sorry, but

  1. #1
    rrich Guest

    Default I'm Sorry, but

    I have been on this planet since July 1942. My earliest memory is WWII ending. Not remembering WWII precisely but rather the events as it was my Fathers birthday and other meaningless to you events.

    I remember seeing Eisenhauer and Truman during campaign stops around the corner from our home in Brooklyn.

    I remember my mother asking who I voted for in my first presidential election. ("As my conscience dictated") 1964

    Except for one school board member election, I have voted in every election since then. Since I retired in 2003 I have worked about 18 elections as a polling place worker.

    Thinking of all of our presidential elections, I do not recall voting "for" an individual but rather against their opponent. In 2016 I could not vote for either Hillary or Donald without regurgitation so I voted Libertarian. After the events of yesterday where our president was actually encouraging rioting and encouraging that the rioters take over the meeting chambers of the House of Representatives and Senate (Our reincarnation of parliament) by force, I am ashamed of our government.

    For the events of January 6, 2020 I do sincerely apologize to the planet. Please accept my apology. I sit here and communicate with people from all over the world. I am thankful that these conversations do not involve video, as I would not be able to hide my embarrassment.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    MATE, I hear your pain.
    I personally feel that the current POTUS has way overstepped his role. Everyone I know has seen his tirades as a spoilt rich kid not getting his way and calling on his gang to get what he wanted. I don't know how those in service kept their peace and patience.
    Now Biden has balance of power maybe he can restore some of the tarnished images.
    Keep safe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Redlands area, Brisbane


    Mate, you were thoughtful and voted how you saw it best. You didn't buy into the cult. Brother, you have nothing to apologise for.

    You're ahead of about 60 odd million (my back of the cigarette packet calculation of how many USA citizens believe the result was fraudulent) of your compatriots that bought into the cult. Jim Jones was a complete failure compared to Trump!

    If yesterday didn't shake their beliefs, I really don't know what will.

    I feel sorry for the woman that was shot and her family, but she made the decision to be there. It seems her family have no idea what happened to her.

    She is now just a single data point representative of many families now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    Thank you for stating your views on the situation.

    I think many people just shake their head and ask how this can possibly have happened. While I don't intend to offer my thoughts on that particular aspect I do wonder how the republican party could go along with the absurd theatrics etc for so long. The POTUS, the party he represents and the antics of his followers have diminished the United States in the eyes of the world to my mind and my heart goes out to the many Americans who saw this developing and were powerless to prevent it or intervene in any way.

    The next few days will be most interesting from a number of standpoints.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    se Melbourne


    I don't think it is just me, but I feel Donald Trump has lost his marbles. More so since the start of November 2020.

    A country of over 300 million and Trump and Biden were the two best candidates for the President? Or they were the only ones with pockets deep enough to run?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Seaford, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by Handyjack View Post
    I don't think it is just me, but I feel Donald Trump has lost his marbles. More so since the start of November 2020.
    Just goes to show that money can't buy brains.

    A country of over 300 million and Trump and Biden were the two best candidates for the President? Or they were the only ones with pockets deep enough to run?
    That's what I said to my American friends in 2016 - that many million people and the best two candidates that you can find for president are Donald and Hilary?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Let's hope that the "Happy" in Happy New Year kicks in sooner rather than later.

    I empathise with your thoughts RR, no need to personally apologise.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Handyjack View Post
    A country of over 300 million and Trump and Biden were the two best candidates for the President? Or they were the only ones with pockets deep enough to run?
    I often think similar with some of the candidates hanging around here at the pointy end of our political arena
    Is it just a reflection on how stupid and easily lead ( mislead) the general population is ?

  9. #9
    rrich Guest


    Some of you want to know how could Americans be that stupid. I will try to explain without insulting anyone.

    There is a contingent in the US that is obsessed with activities that occur in private and are best left private or a medical office. This contingent will seek out a candidate that will advance their obsession in the political arena. These candidates generally are one issue candidates and most have no real other political views. These candidates are inept at performing their duties as an elected official other than advancing their one issue. Unfortunately the current one issue candidate has a more prominent obsession, "ME". He believes that the universe revolves around him. WHAT? You don't believe me? Just ask him.

    The contingent will support an additional candidates at all levels in elections that supports the opposing view to split the opposing vote so that their preferred candidate will win.

    This issue, the contingent that is advancing the issue is extremely controversial and I really don't want to get into it here. I lost a friend because when I said that his father, as a leader of a small part of a local contingent was wrong in throwing a particular statistic about. Their interpretation was factually incorrect. It is one of those 'Figures don't lie but liars can figure.'

    For the fanatics of that contingent that are outraged and you know who you are, please realize that I didn't name any contingent. Please understand that you will never change my views nor will I change your views.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    I wonder how many in the US expect Biden to see out two terms due to his age. Those that oppose him will go nuts if they finish up with a female president who is not white and was not elected to the position.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    "We will name no contingencies!"

    "None? How do we know what we are opposed to as it cannot be named?"

    "Sssh you cretin! You'll alert the proletariat!"

    Sounds monty-python-esque

    "Dont mention ze war!"

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Caroline Springs, VIC


    I found it very interesting that the White House staff and the president has condemned the actions of 6th Jan 2020 comparatively quickly compared to the lefty loonies, and yet 'antifa' is just an idea according to sleepy creepy Joe.

    edit: my apologies, I mispoke. The comparison being the time it took white house and president to condemn Jan 6, compared to the time it took the lefty loonies to condemn antifa, BLM and all that arson, looting and murder.

  13. #13
    rrich Guest


    I think you are right. But we had Barrack Obama.

    I believe that Obama was elected because both he and Michelle portrayed themselves as upper working class parents that had struggled to pay off their student loans while raising two girls. They represented the typical working American family to the voters with two kids, initially no dog but eventually dad gives in, a mortgage and just like the family across the street or down the block.

    Barrack Obama proved that it doesn't matter if you are white, brown, tan or green with purple stripes as long as you follow the time honored principal, 'When in Rome do as the Romans do'.

    As for Joe Biden making it to the next election in 2024, I hope so. We are both the same age and I understand that the body just wears out. Although I am 3 up over Joe. I've had one knee replaced three times and I think Joe is still on his originals.

    In the primary election I voted for Harris. I think that she would make an excellent president. But then we have ~ No not going that far off into the deep end.

    Happy New Year

    Only 11½ more days.

    And they are talking full impeachment or using the 25th amendment to remove him from office.

    Nothing could come soon enough.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Redlands area, Brisbane


    I see there are those among us that think the BLM protests caused because it is often unsafe to be black in public in the USA, are the same thing as trying to overthrow (however incompetently and stupidly) the lawful government.

    Respectfully; you need to read more. You do not understand either issue well enough.

    If you want to have a private message exchange about this, I am happy to have that.

    In fact, I would be happy to talk to you either in person or on the phone. Seriously.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by rrich View Post

    And they are talking full impeachment or using the 25th amendment to remove him from office.

    Nothing could come soon enough.

    This was the drift of my comment that the next few days would be interesting. Actually, they are potentially alarming, particularly if Trump stays. Having said that, I saw a report that he is packing up his toys and going to Florida, although there too the rumours are that he is unpopular at his private resort. and the locals are doing everything in their power to ensure he does not make that his base.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

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