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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Newstead Victoria

    Default Up date from the Scrap metal Scammer

    To night I logged on I sent a request 2days ago for my lost password.To night I opened up my emails and found a second Reminder from Neil Ellis.

    Well here I am. I have purposely avoided the Forum for some time due to the the sarcasm and inuendos that have emanated from some one who seems to hold himself in such regard.Seems like the dispassionate words her and before seem to have extreme reverence for some.

    Let me explain I do and never have asked for handout nor did expect any. We all have to row our own boats and all here some time or another have been ''shafted some time or another, hence the cloud of mystery.Emma Ritson came into my life some moths ago by fate if one could use the term.Emma is like me and shares a passion for older machines. She is a fully qualified watchmaker and instrument technician. some of the jobs she has done in her 39 years would make most admire her. It was my encouragement to have a dip here as she has so much to offer this group.

    She is the daughter of a highly qualified tool maker and due to a life long crippling juvenile disease gives his elder years to help make and develop prosthetics for people like and worse off than himself. Emma has a depth of knowledge and skills in all areas has her own you tube channel Emmas Spare Room Machine shop if some of you members would condescend to view. Emma the eldest daughter of girls was the son her father never had get my drift? To degrade her to the extent I have observed here in the last hour Hang your head/s in shame.

    With some of the comments raised here well I just tend to ride slipshod over them and treat them with contempt it deserves.
    As for burning people that too is not my agenda 2 incidents ! I could not meet the time frame to make pick up.That person has and old friend who will lattest to our family name and integrity. 2 Starret Level an arrangement was made to pay off the article sent some funds and heard no more.

    Now comes the ''crunch'' some years ago a violent storm hit this town and during that hi wind a portion of the roof here on this factory imploded due to a fracture through a weakened truss top chord .This is a factory built some 60 yrs ago to the charter of the state government of Victoria under the Dencentralisation portfolio[to give women a job .Just after the war many women were displaced from roles they performed while our men folk were at war.Cessation of hostilities displaced many women from employment as returning servicemen resumed their peace time duties. At its peak this factory employed 48 women and 3 males.As the heritage overlay says it is an art deco brick frontage some 60 ft and extends rearward in 4 20 ft bays .total of 4800 sq feet. All baltic pine flooring bar one cemented bay. Saw tooth roofing For natural light as the facory made lingerie and other related garments.

    When this crash occurred I was away overseas and was informed of the failure[ I have an extensive folio of pics should any one care to ask]. and was 2 weeks away from returning home to a bomb site with roofing down on gear and cars underneath.Had I been here would for certain seen that crack opening up.

    Of course council was made aware and due to the nature of the material that dreaded A word Emergency work orders were set down.

    Due to the timber construction of trusses an immediate search for timbers in excess of 28 ft were sought.To remove the roofing debris was a major task as the portions were mainly intact. Because of the nature of the salvage it required lots of tiring and enduring propping and jacking.

    These works could only be undertaken by myself,as the danger was high.Huge mitigation programs were also implemented to risk and further collapse of the structure.This has been an ongoing work in progress obtaining material equipment to work alone and safely.

    Periodically this work was monitored and overseen by builders and engineers providing scopes of work

    Moving along,On 1st April this year was visited by a shire building dept staff member and an out side contracted civil engineer who in time provided a scathing report worded and photographed to highlight his report. Vital omissions were left out and it seemed that the building surveyor and engineer were acting in concert. It was also alleged that I chose to ignore a letter sent 22 Oct last 2014 that had to be replied to by 12 Jan this year. This was done and I have a record of that email and a shire response that the email was received and would be fowarded.

    Tuesday this week was asked to attend a meeting with shire reps and my local councillor. at that meeting I was presented the enginners report and informed that demolition will take place. Letters were handed to my 2 neighbors the Crown Hotel and the Mens Shed Newstead at no time and still to this day have not had served on me a barricade order or a demolition notice.

    This of course has sent me to the depths of peril id and do suffer from what is now known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and some other serious health related issues.

    Some have met me in person and have had some supporting phone calls from members. Emma chose to do this on her own bat about organising some donations and I found this very humbling and discovered that some people have donated some funds. I am fully prepared to donate back to some charity should some one choose to a worthy cause. I am not a charity case no want to be implicated as one. With the onset of shock coming on and being embarrased as am not an ''in your face person'' the barrier work is a bit of a humiliating and some what way over the top. AS of when barriers went up 8 am thursday things have started to happen .The building is under seizure and entry denied by me or any one else.Our councillors had no knowledge until this time this order was sanctioned by the CEO of shire.
    I havent lost my marbles as yet but it is a trying time at present.

    AS for my wife as was noted the comments there seem to have a racist eddy current she is a highly qualified person with academic skills that would put her in the top of her class, a dedicated career woman and is passionate about her role. By the way you might get a shock for the salary she gets motel house maids here earn more than her per hour but in her country is thought to be in the middle class. So much for the sarcasm 366day and am getting skinned How dare you you know who you are.

    I eke out a modest living here and now losing the lot as allegedly I dont own a biro in there.
    You can imagine what a tribe of wild Indians will descend soon to demolish ''with all care and responsibility'' not.

    So gents I think a tear or two is allowed by me. For those who offered encouragement thank you and the others well all i can say is I wish you good Karma for having the hide to print

    Cheers one and all ''The smokin boozin scam artist from Central Victoria ps Have had the factory for 30 years. A real victim of beauracratic ineptitude Explaination suitable Gents?
    Last edited by j.ashburn; 14th June 2015 at 01:20 AM. Reason: adjustments

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Newstead Victoria

    Default Omission from the Scammer

    The demolition is to be paid for by me !50 k dollars what was told with out any detailed list

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    near Rockhampton


    Unfortunately your only path to follow if you have not already done so is to seek legal advice.
    Light red, the colour of choice for the discerning man.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    So John I buy a machine on your behalf with my money pick it with my time and equipment up and put it in my shed because you could not get over before the machine had to be removed.
    now i see this as helping some one out and was happy to do so and would do it again if it helped someone else out
    then after several dates arranged for pickup and then cancelled still not a problem life gets in the way of stuff sometimes you stop returning my phone calls ignore my texts messages and pm's on this forum
    that machine sat in my way for months and months and you say " I could not meet the time frame to make pick up" how dare you I find this insulting dishonest and it belittles my attempts to help someone out
    lets look at the facts shall we out of all the people who have made mention of helping you out in the past 100% have been disadvantaged With with either time money or both

    enjoy your Karma John


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Melbourne Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by j.ashburn View Post
    Emma has a depth of knowledge and skills in allareas has her own you tube channel Emmas Spare Room Machine shop if some of you members would condescend to view.
    I'll help you out with a direct link here John.
    I love "her" husky voice.

    Those of you that tipped in for $260 bucks. That's who you are contributing via.


    {Note to Fred} John has directly named "Emma's" Spare Room Machine Shop, You-tube channel, and directed us to view it. Surely that' now public knowledge / fair game?

  6. #6
    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j.ashburn View Post
    Emma the eldest daughter of girls was the son her father never had get my drift?
    I believe I do indeed get your drift.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by .RC. View Post
    Unfortunately your only path to follow if you have not already done so is to seek legal advice.
    I whole heartedly agree, If the story is as you have said word for word you have many rights. The main that comes to mind is the removal of your gear.
    Unless money is owed, no one has the right to keep it but yourself, unless of course the council have made application to sell your gear to cover the cost of the demolition because they don't believe you can afford to pay for the costs out of your own pocket.. Is the property owned by you or the council?
    If it is yours, you need to see a solicitor and get a "stay" order made so you can get your own engineer to come and assess the building, and hopefully for you come up with a better solution than demolition. Ie; accredited removal of asbestos and having the building repaired to Australian standards.
    At minimum having a grant of stay will buy you some breathing time.....
    Good luck mate, at this stage you are going to need it from what I have read.

    Quote Originally Posted by harty69 View Post
    So John I buy a machine on your behalf with my money pick it with my time and equipment up and put it in my shed because you could not get over before the machine had to be removed.
    now i see this as helping some one out and was happy to do so and would do it again if it helped someone else out
    then after several dates arranged for pickup and then cancelled still not a problem life gets in the way of stuff sometimes you stop returning my phone calls ignore my texts messages and pm's on this forum
    that machine sat in my way for months and months and you say " I could not meet the time frame to make pick up" how dare you I find this insulting dishonest and it belittles my attempts to help someone out
    lets look at the facts shall we out of all the people who have made mention of helping you out in the past 100% have been disadvantaged With with either time money or both

    enjoy your Karma John

    Waiting for a reply with baited breath.

    Quote Originally Posted by Machtool View Post
    I'll help you out with a direct link here John.
    I love "her" husky voice.

    Those of you that tipped in for $260 bucks. That's who you are contributing via.


    {Note to Fred} John has directly named "Emma's" Spare Room Machine Shop, You-tube channel, and directed us to view it. Surely that' now public knowledge / fair game?
    I have been subscribed to her channel for quite some time, it is well worth your time to watch and sub to Emma's channel.
    Warning Disclaimer

  8. #8
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    Melbourne Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by matthew_g View Post
    I have been subscribed to her channel for quite some time, it is well worth your time to watch and sub to Emma's channel.
    Did it ever cross your mind that cat is actually a bloke, named at birth Marcus?

    Quote Originally Posted by matthew_g View Post
    it is well worth your time to watch and sub
    I've seen that on A Current Affair. You Gippsland bloke know how to party [/joke].

  9. #9
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    Melbourne Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by j.ashburn View Post
    .2 Starret Level an arrangement was made to pay off the article sent some funds and heard no more.
    Are you saying you partially paid for that level and Greg Q ripped you off? I'll summon the Moose and get his side of the story. I was at a working bee in Donvale when he moved. B.T Anarak Bob from Perth was there, RayG from Shep. Stu from Croydon. Plus several others from this forum where there. I'm pretty sure the discussion was how you hadn't come good for one cent.

    But I'll write him now and see what he has to say,

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Grovedale (Geelong) Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by Machtool
    Did it ever cross your mind that cat is actually a bloke, named at birth Marcus?
    Who the hell cares. For goodness sake leave her alone. If you have a problem with this it's your problem and something you need to deal with.

    As per my pm to you after your 2 deleted posts in the other thread and your last go at her. It is totally irrelevant to anything here.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Victoria, Australia


    Hard to know where to begin, first off, I feel for you in your battle with the bureaucracy, you need to get some proper legal advice.
    Second, you have a few mountains to climb to regain some trust with Harty and GQ, it may be gone forever.
    There are a lot of very generous people on the forum, people who will drop everything to help out a mate in trouble. I know some of the things that Phil has done to help people out, he would say it's the country boy upbringing. He will drive to the ends of the earth to help. ( well Sydney anyway )

    There were a number of people ready to drive to Newstead to give a hand, ( myself included) but there were no replies to PM's and no information about what was required. No feedback whatever. Now it maybe that it was already too late, but through lack of communication and feedback and the opportunity was lost. The gofundme donation thing started by Emma, was probably a good idea that was misguided in the execution. It ended up seeming like a scam, I know it wasn't, but it could have been some help to you, again an opportunity lost. Trust evaporates pretty quickly and when it's gone you don't get it back in a hurry.

    Good luck with the coming battle. The opportunities for help are drying up fast.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Fabulous Gold-plated Coast.

    Default Bravo Sierra


    Way back when I was selling of my hoard of stuff before moving north I put up for sale a chain hoist, which you wanted but then didn't pay and collect for months, in fact until a week or two before the move. I didn't need the worry about your chain hoist going uncollected, and at the time I was cross about it.

    ...Forward to me listing the Starrett level. You threw your hand up, and I PM'd you that there would be no lay-bys, no deposits, no storage. There were other guys who needed it, one urgently at the time, but I honoured your first request. I explained to you that I wanted a clean, fast sale. More fool me.

    Next thing I see a deposit in my account. That was a conscious effort on your part to secure the level to meet your needs and timetable, and screw me, and I told you so at the time. I implored you in three emails and a PM or two to please complete the deal as we were moving that week. Nothing from you then or since until I was alerted to this thread last night.

    So, I hope that you understand the contempt in which I hold you. I still have the level, after having to carry it in my auto to Queensland, but it is not for sale to you.
    It's all part of the service here at The House of Pain™

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Bendigo Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by Machtool View Post
    I'll help you out with a direct link here John.
    I love "her" husky voice.

    Those of you that tipped in for $260 bucks. That's who you are contributing via.


    {Note to Fred} John has directly named "Emma's" Spare Room Machine Shop, You-tube channel, and directed us to view it. Surely that' now public knowledge / fair game?
    Phil, you seem to have a real thing about me deleting your posts

    Despite having been told by Neil that I didn't delete your posts, you continue to accuse me of this, don't let the truth get in the way of a good gripe will you?

    For your information, I am on the road and have been for over 2 months with limited internet access so have only caught up with your obsessive compulsive posts at the few times I have been on the forum. I read your slanderous post only after it had been deleted, as it should have been, by another mod.

    I guess it is too much to expect an apology from you?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Australia east coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Q View Post

    Way back when I was selling of my hoard of stuff before moving north I put up for sale a chain hoist, which you wanted but then didn't pay and collect for months, in fact until a week or two before the move. I didn't need the worry about your chain hoist going uncollected, and at the time I was cross about it.

    ...Forward to me listing the Starrett level. You threw your hand up, and I PM'd you that there would be no lay-bys, no deposits, no storage. There were other guys who needed it, one urgently at the time, but I honoured your first request. I explained to you that I wanted a clean, fast sale. More fool me.

    Next thing I see a deposit in my account. That was a conscious effort on your part to secure the level to meet your needs and timetable, and screw me, and I told you so at the time. I implored you in three emails and a PM or two to please complete the deal as we were moving that week. Nothing from you then or since until I was alerted to this thread last night.

    So, I hope that you understand the contempt in which I hold you. I still have the level, after having to carry it in my auto to Queensland, but it is not for sale to you.

    The last time I flew TWA airlines I had to drink TWA coffee because they had no TWA tea. Now you come along.
    I'd say that was definitive. I've done a number of deals with Greg and every time found him to be a man of his word, with things to be exactly as described.

    The time I had to cancel a potential purchase because a friend died and I had to return to Tasmania sooner than expected, I let him know the situation as soon as I knew so that he could make arrangements to sell to someone else.

    I behaved as I'd expect to be treated. I suspect that now people are reacting in the same way as they've been treated also. Karma.....


    PS Greg I *need* a cheap precision level, probably in Brisbane late July......

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Fabulous Gold-plated Coast.


    Thanks Pete...

    Let us dine together if nothing else.

    It's all part of the service here at The House of Pain™

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