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Thread: Is this Bad

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Is this Bad

    Hei Guys,
    Went and saw a new GP today, and one thing I asked for was a Diabetes test - I am at risk in several ways.
    Last year I saw another GP at this surgery for a medical for my commercial driver authorisation.
    Today's doc saw this on my file and advised me that due to new mandatory reporting laws, if I test positive for diabetes I have to reported (because I drive bus & truck) and will most likely be off the road for the 3 months it takes to get in to see the specialist I would need to see - the Doc then advised me not to get tested.
    For sure the doc has a duty to their patient, but given the damage an out of control bus or truck could do surely their first responsability is to the greater public.

    Just wondering what you guys think of this.

    PS: For the record, I insisted on having the test...

  2. #2
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    Totally agree with your responce, you have a responsibility to yourself, your family, your employer and any of your employers customers as well as the public when you are driving.

    The doctor is negligent in regards to his patient, the Hippocratic oath and the law
    The person who never made a mistake never made anything


  3. #3
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    I can appreciate your questioning.
    I was diagnosed 6 years ago with type 2 Diabetes. It came out of the blue. I get my blood checked regularly due to the antidepressants I take. 4 months before no sign of diabetes then bang. I think I am fortunate because I can control it with diet and tabs. I thought that if you had diabetes that you had to get a medical check every year to keep a car license, but when my license came due I got a medical check and was given a 5 year license.
    It may be different for a license used in conjunction with commercial vehicles. I think you have done the right thing in regards to insisting on the test! How could you bear to have the guilt of killing someone due to you blacking out at the wheel.
    I hope that you can continue with your driving job and that you don't have too much red tape to contend with
    Just do it!

    Kind regards Rod

  4. #4
    Mobyturns's Avatar
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    I think I would be changing doctors!

    In QLD there is a mandatory requirement to notify the DOT about "any long-term or permanent medical condition that is likely to adversely affect your ability to drive safely." Its called Jets Law & has been around since 2008.
    "If you fail to report your condition, you may receive a A$6600 penalty and be disqualified from driving."
    "If you drive heavy vehicles, public passenger vehicles (e.g. buses or taxis) or vehicles carrying dangerous goods, you must meet the commercial medical standards in the Assessing Fitness to Drive publication."

    Medical requirements (Department of Transport and Main Roads)

  5. #5
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    I'm not actually driving at the moment because my experience is not provable and every company wants 15 year olds with ten years experience.

    That said, my daily drive is a BA Falcon which at 1600kg curb weight could do some damage.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2013

    Default Bin there - only recently

    Yep - been there myself just recently.

    Had to go see the specialist endocrinologist too.

    In essence this is what the specialist told me.

    Theres only a couple of them in WA

    They are flat out with genuinely sick people. No one from Govt asked them if it was Ok to create new big brother breach of doc client privilege "laws" that will double, triple (more like 10 fold) their work load.

    He was damned I can tell you.

    Anyway he signed my paper work & took my $360 and said see you again in 12 months.


    He also told me that he self medicates for a condition with a drug...being a specialist he can do this. he made the mistake once of filling in one of these govt forms honestly about the drug he self medicates with. It was an application for a larger class of motorcycle license.

    The unqualified gal behind the counter told him... words to the effect "because you answered with the (insert name of drug here) - that's for people who are mentally sick, so you cannot do your motorcycle license today - because you might go out and commit suicide!". In order to do the motor cycle test (for a larger bike he already had the 250 cc license) you will have to bring in a medical certificate from your GP saying that you arent suicidal - before "we' (DOT) will let you take the test.

    A clerical gal at the counter telling a medical specialist he needs a note from a GP!

    Thats what our worlds come too people.

    The endo-chronoogists advice?

    Tell the bastards NOTHING! Answer every question about health on every form for govt always with the answer no no no - coz once they have you on their system your screwed - you can never get off!.
    He is right of course - and I've proved it now.... 3 times with Dept Transport... they are dick heads - dead set.

    I used to wear glasses for myopia (short sightedness).

    I wanted to upgrade my skippers from coxswain to master 5, with Dept Transport (Marine) safety branch. To do that you need 20 / 20 unaided vision in both eyes. My ONLY choice?

    Lasic eye surgery... ($6.5K worth).

    So i did and now i can see like a hawk....

    So the Opthalamic surgeon who performed the laser surgery tested my eyes afterwards & we sent off the eye sight test to DOT (Marine)... and no sweat - upgrade done (if you count all the extra sea time and exams).

    So - my Drivers license has always had an endorsement - "must wear suitable visual aids when driving".

    So I go to my GP doc - get yet another eye test done - and send the forms to ordinary DOT office for drivers licenses.

    Renewal comes out with the same stinking endorsement.... "must wear suitable visual aids when driving"

    So i do it all again - next years renewal - same endorsement!

    The problem?

    I can't wear prescription glasses now coz I don't NEED them BUT if I get stopped by a cop -Ill be charged for not wearing them (coz thats whats endorsed on the license that you hand to the cop!

    Worse than that - now if you get a multinova fine (with photo) and they check your license against the vehicle license - and your not wearing the specs in the photo - you get an extra fine for not wearing the glasses you've told them 3 times now that you no longer need to wear!

    There is NO WAY - ever - to get off their system "once they have you".

    The answer is doctor shop & don't let the bastards get you in the first place! (and thats what the endocrinologist specialist told me straight up)!

    For e.g.

    Everyone tests for type 2 diabetes now - npot coz you got t but because the docs all get kickbacks (oseas hoilidays cars etc) from the big pharma for how many people they can sucker into volunteering to take $100 a month in tablets you don't need!.

    Truth - you can reverse now - type 11 diabetes in 24 hours!

    So - if you let the doc tell them that you have it - you'll never get off the list and you'll need endocrinologists visits at $360 a time every 6 months + $100 a month for the Metformin Hydrchloride tabs for the rest of your life (plus the statins and so on and so forth - gotta pay for that new BMW for the doc you know!).

    Then - if you want to reverse the diabetes - Endobariatric surgery is the answer.

    It costs about $8K (or you can pay off the docs BMW for life - you choice). Instead of the older stomach lap banding - theres a NEW technique takes 15 minutes under general anasthetic and in reversible in 15 minutes when your down to target weight.

    Its essentially a big fat heavy duty condom - with no end on it.. (rubber tube of some kind.) They insert in in the bottom of your stomach with a endoscope type instrument. It folds out down your large intestine for a foot or so... and the rubber ring at the top stays in bottom of your stomach.

    Food from the stomach bypasses the first foot or so of the large intestine. No nutrients are absorbed from the food for this first foot or so.

    Weigh falls off just like stomach lap banding.

    Within 24hours of having it - your body's insulin resistance switch kicks off - and your no longer type 2 diebetic (Meaning your Doc don't need to tell DOT dick!).

    When your down to the target weight you set for yourself - you go see the surgeon again for 15 minutes and he removes the endobarrier thingy the same way it went in (down ya throat with a endoscope thingy).

    Look - I admire all this "do the right thing" crapola.... BUT - with DOT etc - theres "other ways" to fix this.

    Don't get started is the best way.

    Others mileage may vary - I could care less, bin there n done that and it sucks - avoid it at all costs is my advice.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timless Timber View Post
    Everyone tests for type 2 diabetes now - npot coz you got t but because the docs all get kickbacks (oseas hoilidays cars etc) from the big pharma for how many people they can sucker into volunteering to take $100 a month in tablets you don't need!.

    Truth - you can reverse now - type 11 diabetes in 24 hours!
    The cost of type 2 diabetes to Australia is estimated at $10.3 billion, I'm pretty sure that if it could be fixed in 24 hours it would be.

    Quote from the link in my comment...
    The total financial cost of type 2 diabetes is estimated at $10.3 billion. Of this, carer costs were estimated as $4.4 billion, productivity losses were $4.1 billion, health system costs were $1.1 billion and $1.1 billion was due to obesity.
    As others have said, I think you did the right thing having the test. Sounds to me like this Doc gets a bit of business from people looking for a diagnosis which suits their needs
    It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it.

  8. #8
    Adynaton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timless Timber View Post
    Then - if you want to reverse the diabetes - Endobariatric surgery is the answer.

    It costs about $8K (or you can pay off the docs BMW for life - you choice). Instead of the older stomach lap banding - theres a NEW technique takes 15 minutes under general anasthetic and in reversible in 15 minutes when your down to target weight.

    Its essentially a big fat heavy duty condom - with no end on it.. (rubber tube of some kind.) They insert in in the bottom of your stomach with a endoscope type instrument. It folds out down your large intestine for a foot or so... and the rubber ring at the top stays in bottom of your stomach.

    Food from the stomach bypasses the first foot or so of the large intestine. No nutrients are absorbed from the food for this first foot or so.

    Weigh falls off just like stomach lap banding.

    Within 24hours of having it - your body's insulin resistance switch kicks off - and your no longer type 2 diebetic (Meaning your Doc don't need to tell DOT dick!).

    When your down to the target weight you set for yourself - you go see the surgeon again for 15 minutes and he removes the endobarrier thingy the same way it went in (down ya throat with a endoscope thingy).

    Chambezio - My understanding of the disease of diabetes is if you have type 1 diabetes, your body produces no insulin and you are required to take it for the rest of your life, currently as an injection, but they are working on a nasal spray amongst other things.

    Type 2 diabetes is a different disease that produces the same symptoms. This can be controlled with Diet, tablets and Exercise and in the later stages insulin.

    With regards to the endobaric surgery, yes according to my sources it has been known to remove or reduce the need for treatment of diabetes, in some instances. But the jury is still out as to whether or not the diabetes returns when the endobarrier is removed. The figures for gastric bypass surgery shows that the diabetes returns in some years, and the endobarrier is too new for figures.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adynaton View Post

    Chambezio - My understanding of the disease of diabetes is if you have type 1 diabetes, your body produces no insulin and you are required to take it for the rest of your life, currently as an injection, but they are working on a nasal spray amongst other things.

    Type 2 diabetes is a different disease that produces the same symptoms. This can be controlled with Diet, tablets and Exercise and in the later stages insulin....
    Ady, basically,
    Type 1 - Body doesn't produce insulin
    Type 2 - Body has been desensitised to insulin

    The insulin is required to break down sugars in the blood. Insulin injections are usually required for Type 1, Type 2 is usually controlled mostly by diet. Type 1 is usually diagnosed early in the teens but there is a small group of people who are diagnosed late in life. These people have usually led very active/fit/healthy lifestyles and then had something change in their circumstances which required them to slow down. There is another process where the body can convert sugars to energy without insulin but it's usually only found in the fit/healthy. When their bodies slow down this process doesn't work as well and the Type 1 appears. This was fairly common in farmers.
    It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it.

  10. #10
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    20 or so years ago, they did a study with type 1(?) diabetic patients. For six (6) weeks, a group of diabetics went walkabout with a group of aborigines. They ate what the aborigines ate, and also did what they did.

    At the end of the six (6) week walkabout, most were cured of their diabetes.

    Not surprisingly, nothing was ever heard about the trial again. I guess big pharma has too much to lose.

    Just for the record, this was on the ABCTV.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by cava View Post
    20 or so years ago, they did a study with type 1(?) diabetic patients. For six (6) weeks, a group of diabetics went walkabout with a group of aborigines. They ate what the aborigines ate, and also did what they did.
    At the end of the six (6) week walkabout, most were cured of their diabetes.
    Not surprisingly, nothing was ever heard about the trial again. I guess big pharma has too much to lose.
    Just for the record, this was on the ABCTV.
    That's interesting because native australians have a higher incidence of diabetes than us imports.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    That's interesting because native australians have a higher incidence of diabetes than us imports.
    Perhaps I should have clarified, that the diet was typically 'native' food ie witchey grubs, berries, small animals etc and not refined western type food.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cava View Post
    Perhaps I should have clarified, that the diet was typically 'native' food ie witchey grubs, berries, small animals etc and not refined western type food.
    I guessed that would be the case.

    We should probably just eat two meals or 3 small meals a day and walk to work.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default For type 11

    For type 11 diabetes treated with tablets (Metformin Hydrochloride usually) the trick really is less process food containing sugar and lots of exercise.

    Anyone can reverse type11 with a better diet exercise routine.

    Theres some suggestion that High fructose Corn Syrup is the root cause of the weight epidemic in western society's. Its half the cost of processed cane sugar so is used in most processed foods.

    Insulin is a hormone produced by the body and insulin resistance is a symptom of the cells not allowing insulin to process blood sugar (glucose).

    No one knows what the 'switch' is that makes the cells stop working to process blood sugar... the symptom is obesity, and high blood sugar levels.

    Exercise and diet will flip the switch, and make the insulin resistance go away in TIME and if you stick at it.

    Normally your body would process the blood sugar into energy to work your muscles.

    If you getting the food and turning it into sugar and not exercising you store the sugar instead as fat.

    If you store fat long enough a switch seems to go off & your metabolism can't keep processing blood sugar & they call this insulin resistance.

    Endobariometry is the way out for thisof us can't be frigged exercising properly.

    Diabetes could well return once you get fat again - your supposed to "change your lifestyle" while you skinny, i.e. exercise so it doesn't flip the switch for insulin resistance again (or not).

    Thats how I understand it - others mileage may vary.

    With type 11 coz your not injecting insulin you can't over dose and go into hypoglycemia and pass out at the wheel

    Yeah - and ya not takin' the flippin' Kingswood.

    Rant done.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Diabetes and DOT are not the only health plus Gov. Dept. issues that cause grief.

    A long term good mate of mine is staying here at the moment. Hes has two sons with
    haemophilia. One of his lads had all sorts of problems with Centerlink when he applied
    for a disability pension while he was looking for work. Took a massive file and a visit
    from a counselor PLUS a haemotologist's letter to get some sense from them.

    I have only one eye. Lost the left when I was About six. Try a simple thing like that for
    size with some departments!!

    Do you know you can be classified as legally blind but there is not such classification for
    hearing loss - deafness? The mind boggles!!!!

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