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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Steel Hand Planes.....where to purchase?

    I'm trying to find who would be the best (price and quality) to purchase a new Jack plane from please.
    I know I'll probably find someone at the Show this weekend, but failing that, I was wondering if anyone has a preferred seller they might suggest.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    Hi Bob

    are you after New -- as in made within the last year or so -- or new to you ?

    I don't think there'll be any Holtey planes for sale at teh Sydney Show, but Dave Eckert will be there as should Jim Davey, along with a number of sellers of old and not so old tools so most price points between $40 and $400 should be covered
    regards from Alberta, Canada


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    If you are after a new plane then anything from Veritas or Lie Neilsen will make you happy but will cost you proper money. Cheaper planes can be had from a company called Wood River and though I have never used one they seem to have a fair reputation, though not on a par with the others. Unless you intend doing a good bit of fiddling to get good performance then I would not suggest a new Stanley. If you are prepared to do a plane up then an old Stanley can be got cheaply. You can get new blades and chip breakers for these old Stanley's from Veritas and this will give you a first rate plane for a reasonable price.
    My age is still less than my number of posts

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Thank you both for your suggestions. I have a few old Stanleys, both in working order and in need of some TLC.
    As for what I'm after, I'm not necessarily looking for brand new, but similarly, I will pay the price for what is available that suits me at thee time.

    I am still kicking myself for passing up a whole swag of hand planes from a deceased estate from many years before I became interested in woodworking as a pastime. I hesitate to even mention this because it was friend's 'uncle' who's whole life's work in both electronics and woodworking were up for sale and I had first pick of everything.
    There must have been close to 40 hand planes of every shape and size on every ledge of his garage and I was told later that they all were sold for about $20...........the lot!
    I've had more than a few "missed opportunities" like this over the years where my interests were not 'in line' with what was being sold. So I've lost out big time only to regret it now.
    C'est la vie!

    Cheers and see you at the Show.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    Hi Bob

    there should be a number of tool sellers at the wood show.

    some will be selling #5s they picked at a garage sale or deceased estates -- some of these #5s will be Stanley's made when the company still endeavoured to produce a quality product. (Note Stanley made essentially the same plane in Aus, UK and USA, but the quality decline appears to have commenced much earlier in the US.) The amount of work required to get an old plane to work really well will vary from some hours to some days depending on it's condition. Expect to pay more for a plane that requires little work from the purchaser.
    Other #5s will be from Stanley's handyman line -- personally I'd keep well clear of these

    There should also be a few Carter, Falcon, Pope and Record #5s.

    Jim Davey should be at the show. Jim deals in fettled (i.e. ready to go) old Stanley and Records, plus Wood River and Veritas. Plus after market plane blades. I suggest you seek out Jim and have a chat.
    regards from Alberta, Canada


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