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Thread: Am I Finished?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Baldivis WA

    Default Am I Finished?

    My helpful friends.
    I will make this short and sweet. The attached pics are of my Patio project and some Rose Gum slabs I just purchased, 2 peices of Rose Gum by about 4000x800x50. I intend making outdoor table tops for the Patio on top of the limestone blocks. I have been sanding my little heart out and its time to discover (through you fine people and research) the best method of 1. Filling in the cracks/splits/holes and 2. the best finishing method (oil, 2 pack, stain, varnish etc).
    I think I am ready to start the final sanding and fill.
    I think my preference is finished in a good quality oil, filled with a 2 pack clear and secured (semi floated) or fixed to wood rails on top of the limestone uprights.
    I really do need advice and will wait long enough to hear all the advice. I have more pics. I will appreciate all advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Hi Jynks,

    Thats a real nice outdoor area you have there

    I think the best bet is to fill the cracks with an epoxy, if you visit Fibreglass sales and resins just off Orrong Rd they`ll be able to set you up.

    They sell a product called FR251 which is great, and they sell the West Systems epoxies. While your there buy some Aluminium tape so you can tape up the cracks from underneath. The resin is very pourus and will run everywhere so using the Aluminium to block off any cracks will really help.

    Take your time filling the cracks, the epoxy takes a while to cure in this weather.

    I tend to spray all my finishes nowdays, but a good oil finish will do the job too. You can also use a Wipe on Poly such as Minwax available at bunnings.

    Hope this helps a little,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Baldivis WA

    Default Wow

    Hey Brad, Now that's what I am talking about. You people not only come up with fantastic advice but hows the time frame uh? I mean someone responds, 9:30 at night, within 10 minutes of me posting... Geez now thats impressive, oh and free.....

    OK Brad, epoxy uh? Still OK for the fine cracks, those little buggars that are formed through lots of sanding over a small cracks? How does it respond to an oil finish? Will it remain in situ during expansion and contraction?

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