I'm restoring an English Oak oversize coffee table (if you can call it that...). The top is doweled and butt jointed. This table has seen some rough treatment and has come apart about the middle. This isn't so bad however one side of the join has taken wood from the other side largely because my old foe the woodworm has been munching away in there too. The woodworm isn't a problem now...

I need some ideas on 'filling' the wood where the wood has come away. The top and bottom surfaces are fine - the middle has been slightly 'eaten' away. This is unlikely to give me a good bond when I glue/clamp it back together. I've heard of two-part resin (fibroglass resin) being used as both a filler and strengthener. However, will glues 'stick' to it once hardened? I don't plan to use the resin itself as a 'glue', just a filler in order to get two straight/even edges.

I'd rather use Pearl glue (as was used originally) to reassemble the table, but would consider other (PVA maybe) glues if I have to.

I don't want to replace the wood completely. Any ideas on filler, glues etc?
