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Thread: This is Rediculous
22nd January 2023, 09:31 AM #1
This is Rediculous
I just watched a video about lock mitre router bits.
At the end of the video it referred me to the manufacturer's Facebook page, so naturally I searched for "Infinity Cutting Tools"
Now I am wondering which of those three ordinary everyday words has caused this response from the Social Media platform or is it something in the context of those three words together that is the problem.
I worry about the future of the human race.
I wonder how they let Infinity Cutting Tools register a page with such a dangerous name in the first place.
Before anyone calls me insensitive, as an Army Veteran I am as aware as anyone about mental health issues but considering that this is a search for a page that FB have allowed on their site (and probably charge them money for) this is way over the top.I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
22nd January 2023, 09:38 AM #2
22nd January 2023, 09:40 AM #3
22nd January 2023, 09:54 AM #4
thats pretty weird
my online scrabble game wont allow the word noose/s for its possible connotations involving self harm
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22nd January 2023, 01:11 PM #5
Farcebook has been "moderated" by a bunch of self-important morons for a long time now. Time for somebody like Elon Musk to buy them out and go through the place like a dose of epsom salts.
22nd January 2023, 03:16 PM #6
And people wonder why I don't use FaceBook
22nd January 2023, 06:06 PM #7
Facebook? Facebook?
I will continue my search for a book wrapped in a dust cover depicting a large.....eh..Face.
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
22nd January 2023, 10:44 PM #8
I'm a member of an old truck group on FB, and also interested in old aircraft and aviation history. About two weeks ago, someone in the group posted a picture of a 1930's Thornycroft truck out in central Australia and someone commented "Back in the good old days."
I replied that the two airmen whose plane had landed in the Tanami due to a rocker arm becoming mis adjusted and who died while trying to clear enough scrub to get back in the air would possibly not share the opinion expressed. The guy I replied to then came back with a query about whether the pic was related to an aircraft accident.
I wrote a factual explanation that the pic was the truck sent from Adelaide to travel into the Tanami and recover the bodies of the two airmen and bring them back for funerals, and mentioned that amongst a range of truck spares, fuel drums, water and provisions for a trip of about a month duration, the truck was carrying two lead lined coffins for the airmen.
FB declined to accept this as a reply/comment because it contained keywords that the autocensor would not accept, presumably any or all of died, body, recovery, or coffin. No attempt to consider context as such, just a blanket rejection because of some keyword, and an option to edit comment to eliminate the keywords, but no indication of which word(s) were the trigger.I used to be an engineer, I'm not an engineer any more, but on the really good days I can remember when I was.
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23rd January 2023, 09:03 AM #9
The person who never made a mistake never made anything
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23rd January 2023, 09:36 AM #10
The word "cutting" obviously. The page in your screenshot refers to self-harm. Cutting is a common form of self-harm. The page offers the viewer a link to "get help". TBH, I really don't see the problem. Be grateful you don't need the help, click Continue, and move on with your life.
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23rd January 2023, 12:48 PM #11
The "algorithms" get blamed for everything.
If you want to have some fun, use a word likely to be linked to a "sponsors" product line in Messenger then see how long it takes for adverts from that sponsor to appear in your FB feed.
Zuc's "algorithms" read everything, so do Googles!
Quite a while back PP & I were chatting in Messenger about the grader that he made. Being a surveyor, I suggested that his model wasn't complete as it was missing the GPS antennas for machine guidance. Within minutes I had ads from Leica (survey) and CAT (the grader.)Mobyturns
In An Instant Your Life CanChange Forever
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23rd January 2023, 11:40 PM #12
Actually, algorithms are everywhere. A friend and I were discussing which of the large cats we thought was the most impressive. We looked up some data on lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs and jaguars.
Inside of fifteen minutes I was receiving ads for Jaguar car spare parts. It also somehow knew I couldn't afford a new one and jumped to the conclusion that I must be repairing an old one!
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
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23rd January 2023, 11:47 PM #13
how dare that FREE platform try and control morons who post all kinds violence, sex and gore all over it etc try and control it, yep some thing get caught in the cross fire, but again as you're and end user of google, facebook, instgram etc etc you actually pay zero money for it.
I remember watching a video recently a guy who's Instagram channel got shut down because it accidently got flagged for human trafficking, and it actually lost him a lot of sponsors and a heap of followers (so started costing him money) he had to pretty much use his audience, who someone ended up knowing someone at facebook to get it reviewed to get his channel back up and running. but its definitely a big risk to rely on these free social media platforms for your income when it can be taken away rather instantly with no real explination.
this is the video, its kind of long but you can skip to the 7min mark and not miss out on much
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24th January 2023, 12:12 PM #14
24th January 2023, 01:02 PM #15
Yep - I called the Jaguar Land Rover dealership in Perth a couple of days ago to chase up a new front indicator globe for my LR Discovery. They didn't have any in stock, but could get them in from the eastern states - price including freight would be $101 EACH. For a bloody indicator globe - they've got to be joking. I have some coming from overseas for a fraction of the cost.
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