
First a bit of background,

1932 Double fronted weatherboard with tin roof. I have almost totally renovated, all new plaster, windows, wiring, flooring etc. In Footscray between Vic Uni and old Kinnears factory.

Moved in approx 20 years ago just after I had the place restumped with concrete stumps.

A yearly event ever since, has been to crawl under the house with a 20 ton jack and place packers between the stumps and bearers, in some cases up to 150mm to keep even support on all stumps.

Unfortunately not all the stumps subside at the same time or the same amount, and it’s not just load bearing stumps that move. Some of the stumps have even moved sideways, a problem when no longer under the bearer.

The difficulty is that most of the crawl space (or should I say slide space) is approx 250mm-300mm max and unreachable (100mm) in some areas (sloping ground).

The ground has moved even more with the recent drought conditions resulting in cracked plaster.

My question is, does anyone know of a resolve for this problem? I can’t keep trim and taught for ever to be able to slide around under the house.

You may ask why I kept doing it, it was par for course as part of the renovating, now has become the norm.

Any information at all would be appreciated.


<font color="black"><font face="Arial">Masto,