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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default where do I start

    hello too all you cnc wizards
    I've been wanting a cnc machine for a while now so I have been looking on the net, I've decided I need a winter project but I need some help I don't know where too begin

    1. Can anyone recommend any plans/books, I've seen a machine on youtube that someone made out of the book (build your own cnc machine by patrick hood-daniel) and it looked great but people say the design has moved on since.

    2. Does mdf work as a build material most machines i've seen are made of this and they look fine.

    3. I know I have the woodworking skills and tools too build one but the electrioncs I don't is it that hard.

    hopefully someone can help so all information will be greatly appreciated Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Oxley, Brisbane


    Quote Originally Posted by shellyshed View Post
    hello too all you cnc wizards
    I've been wanting a cnc machine for a while now so I have been looking on the net, I've decided I need a winter project but I need some help I don't know where too begin

    1. Can anyone recommend any plans/books, I've seen a machine on youtube that someone made out of the book (build your own cnc machine by patrick hood-daniel) and it looked great but people say the design has moved on since.

    2. Does mdf work as a build material most machines i've seen are made of this and they look fine.

    3. I know I have the woodworking skills and tools too build one but the electrioncs I don't is it that hard.

    hopefully someone can help so all information will be greatly appreciated Thanks
    Hello shellyshed

    There is heaps of info on the net about these machines; just a quick perusal of this forum should give you plenty of ideas. To answer your questions in the order you gave them ..

    1) Here, this site. Without knowing what you want to make with it and how big you are thinking of building your machine; it is very difficult to advise you.

    2) MDF does work as a building material and it is very easy to machine and make MDF builds. Many people make an MDF machine and then use that machine to make themselves a bigger and better aluminium or steel machine. Just building any one of these machines will give you a much better appreciation of the mechanics and skills involved and required. The MDF builds can also have surprisingly accurate outcomes. Ie ~+-0.05mm.

    3) The electronics isn't all that hard if you have some basic knowledge of how to wire up etc. Again, there are plenty of instructables on the net.

    The hardest part is actually starting the project. Once you do start, then many things just fall into their logical places.

    See also a site called for many more somewhat off beat ideas.

    If you purchase parts with an eye to the future then many of the parts you use on the MDF machine can later be regifted to the offspring.

    eBay is your friend when it comes to purchasing things like shafts, bearings, motors and electronics.
    Bob Willson
    The term 'grammar nazi' was invented to make people, who don't know their grammar, feel OK about being uneducated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Heya Shellyshed

    I'm sort of in the similar boat
    material chosed is pretty much determined by the size of the CNC..
    In my case as I'm going to build quite a large CNC (8' x 4') MDF is pretty much out of question
    For smaller CNC's MDF is excellent building material
    Its cheap, easy to work with.. and pretty stable too (just make sure you seal it after you cut it)

    Electronic wise.. I had a look around and decided to go with one of the homann kits...
    That kit will pretty much sort out most of your electronics requirement... All you need to add is wiring and few microswitches... (they sell that too)

    You can try ebay or other web sites but with my current knowledge based on fair bit of research.. Homann kit seems to be one of the easiest ones to implement

    Also think about bearings, acme screws and other things required for smooth movement of the x, y, and Z axis... (I would need to spend a fair bit of $ for my design for linear bearings and rack and pinion drive)

    What sort of tool are you planning to use for cutting... (spindle, rounter, dremel)
    the weight and shape of the tool will affect the design of your carriage

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Thanks everyone for your feedback I've had a look around on this forum and videos on youtube there are some great ideas out there.Like I said earlier I going too do a cnc machine out of a book but my questions are,

    Before building the table and gantry is there any components I need first eg: stepper motors

    I'm going too adapt the design too include some ideas from other machines on the net eg: bearing design,gantry design,If I start the build and sort of make it up as I go will I be able too make it work,has anyone built a machine without plans.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Oxley, Brisbane


    Most of us I would think.

    I just started making the subframe and when that was finished I just started bolting bits to it, making it up as I went along. Plans are for sissies.
    Bob Willson
    The term 'grammar nazi' was invented to make people, who don't know their grammar, feel OK about being uneducated.

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