Howdy Folks,

I'll apologise in advance as I'm sure there will be 50 threads already answerig these questions, but after two solid hours searching I can't seem to find the wood amongst the decks.

I have 90mm Jarrah T&G (produced from recycled timber), 1.8m single lengths to go onto a typical inner-west Melbourne weatherboard house bullnose style verandah. The subfloor (stumps/bearers/joists) were all installed by the restumping company with F17 KD, replacing the old concrete verandah that was assumably installed in the 70s.

My question is.. Do I need to oil the Jarrah before they are nailed down? I have been told they should be oiled with raw linseed before laying? Is this correct? Or do they need to be sanded after laying, and if so then what would be the point of oiling them first?

If sanding is requried, any hints? ALso, do I need to place anything between the joists and boards?

Thanks in advance & definintely feel free to link be back to any old threads that explain this already.



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