#1 When we were in Santiago the fellow showing us around turned up on the second morning and apologised because he had to make a detour to the tyre place. He garaged his car at the hotel where he was based and they had a large guard dog that Juan had known since it was a pup. His ca was also set up with an alarm. Appears said pooch bumped the car and set off the alarm. The hound then attacked the car tyre and chewed a hole in it.

#2 We bought a very good second hand Honda Civic here, and it turns out the orevious owner is a cousin of my wife,and also owns a dog. Well the front driver's side tyre kept losing a bit of pressure, despite the fact that it was brand new. Took it to the tyre place. Appears that every time Paulo drove the car in the yard the dog would do what all dogs do to show that this was his car. Trouble is, he hit the same wheel every time. As e result the dog piddle corroded the wheel rim enough to cause the seal to leak!!