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Thread: Free DC systen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Free DC systen

    Not for you, for our mens shed!!!

    Our Men's Shed has been going for about 6 months and we have about 20 members (only about half come at any one time) and we are currently operating out of a couple of lock up metal garages and the pre-voc centre of a local high school.
    Weh have some plans for a new shed which is awaiting the usual slow approval process.

    We have undertaken some community projects and a few members do their own thing but mostWe are slowly collecting machinery and most of the machines are 3 phase and "need some work". A small 6" 3 phase planer was the first machine I looked worked on. That had a broken magnetic switch, needed some derusting and a set of wheels and a DC post update. The next machine I am working on is a small combination machine which needed de-rusting and it too needs a dust collection port otherwise is just about ready to go . There was no DC until I loaned them a 2HP unit but in the meantime we got an interesting lead from another nearby high school who are gutting an old WW classroom and they need to get rid of their DC system so we went to check it out this morning.

    The unit is a 2 bag 3phase (3HP) system. It looks dreadful but its just covered in dust.
    It has a 10" main duct running into the impeller

    The real score is the metal ducting , it's hard to see it in this photo but it has about 4 m of 10" then about 8m of 8" and then about 20m of 6" and a heap of 4" ducting
    Most of the drop downs and metal blast gates are unfortunately 4" but they can still be useful if used in pairs etc.

    This photo doesn't really capture the extent of the system some of which is under the floor.

    The plan is to install a modified system into (DC outside) our new shed which is not going to be that big ~ 10 x 18 m and by the time you extract the coffee room, tolets and store there is not a lot to play with.
    A 3HP is technically too small for even this size shed but something will be better than nothing and it should suffice to get us going.

    Being 3 phase you can guess what the first thing is I will do - yep put a VFD onto it.
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  2. #2
    crowie's Avatar
    crowie is offline Life's Good, Enjoy each new day & try to encourage
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    Faulconbridge, Lower Blue Mountains


    Good score Bob for the Mens Shed.... Make sure you get someone to check the flow rates & volumes with the, crowie

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by crowie View Post
    Good score Bob for the Mens Shed.... Make sure you get someone to check the flow rates & volumes with the, crowie
    Can you tell I will be like a pig in mud having to set this up

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Very nice Bob! Well done. The lights in one of those pictures look great too. Can you get them? I'm amazed at how cheap most fluoro fittings are these days. Cheap as in junk not dollars!

    Also, I notice that the ducting is the spiral kind which everyone seems to covet around the internet. What is it with the "spiral" ducting. How is it better? Thanks.
    Warm Regards, Luckyduck

  5. #5
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyDuck View Post
    Very nice Bob! Well done. The lights in one of those pictures look great too. Can you get them? I'm amazed at how cheap most fluoro fittings are these days. Cheap as in junk not dollars! .
    There's lots of things we'd like to get, like all the 3 Phase sockets and big breaker boxes. Plus there were lots of old tools and bits and pieces, but we're only allowed to take the DC and ducting.
    Because of OHS issues we're not even allowed to take down the ducting ourselves but the Schools is going to pay to have it professionally removed. I worry about this because it may mean they just attack it with an angle grinder.
    It is actually pop riveted together and should come apart quite easily.

    Also, I notice that the ducting is the spiral kind which everyone seems to covet around the internet. What is it with the "spiral" ducting. How is it better? Thanks.
    There is nothing special about it. It has about the same smoothness as PVC. Some folks like it because it doesn't build up static.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2006


    Sometimes I think OHS has a lot to answer for!
    Warm Regards, Luckyduck

  7. #7
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyDuck View Post
    Sometimes I think OHS has a lot to answer for!
    I can understand where the school is coming from - a bunch of older guys turn up and need to clamber all over ladders, or want to take away electrical fittings. These places have legal requirements about the people that work on their sites which we could not meet We are still getting the system in its entirety and we did get a couple of machines from them so we haven't done too badly.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2006


    That's fair enough. In my "real" job at a medical practice it is a fine juggle between common sense and protecting staff and the public. We probably all agree that insurance premiums cost enough as it is!

    Anyway, well done on the dusty and ducting. I look forward to hearing how it goes with the install in the new location...
    Warm Regards, Luckyduck

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyDuck View Post
    Sometimes I think OHS has a lot to answer for!
    How about this for extreme. This is a fact. My father invited me over and we watched it while having some beers.

    The story is thus: he lives over the road from a school in Woolamaloo. It's old. The outside wall needed painting, off-white it was, nothing fancy, but the paint was peeling. Not a big wall, 2 stories tall and about 15 odd metres wide. Nothing than what a lot of people would have on the short side of their house.

    Two blokes turned up, then the council, then three drones from the school and finally some traffic people. Road was blocked off, barricades erected, tape put out, traffic girls (they were not the usual crusty duffers) turned everyone away and then what seemed like an endless array of conversations and photos.

    I turned up at 1pm and they had been at this since 7am apparently. Guess how much paint had been applied? If you guessed zero, you'd be right.

    We counted 11 people there. We watched this fiasco as he various parties seemed to be locked into some bureaucratic process. Meanwhile the painters were listening and relaxing, no doubt looking at the watches to ensure the billables were racking up.

    By the end of the first day, not even the ladder was put against the wall.

    Second day, there was progress, but I kid you not, my father nearly coughed out a lung he was laughing so hard over the phone, for they had these two bastards rigged up like abseilers and they forced them to only use a ladder, with the guy on the bottom the entire time, without exception. No leaning out, up, or down. So he was up and down like Donkey Kong to apply 1 square foot of paint at a time.

    At no time were there less than 6 people there, with one doing the actual work. Apparently at various junctures during the day everyone was there.

    Three days....THREE full days later it was done. Anyone here would have had it done by themselves in 6 hours, including tea and lunch (and that's quite a few tea breaks and a loooong lunch).

    It was the most appalling and squanderous waste of public money you could possibly imagine. Yes, my dad did take photo's. No doubt that went into some Gestapos report too.

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