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Thread: Tapatalk view of photos
26th February 2021, 07:31 PM #1
Tapatalk view of photos
Hey everyone. Random question for those that access this forum via Tapatalk.
I have used Tapatalk for years and haven't had any issues viewing photos. I think from memory I cancelled the Tapatalk premium $1 per month cost that I signed up for years ago.
I have since restored it but I want to ask if anyone else gets this view when they view posts and whether its associated with premium Tapatalk or free Tapatalk or unrelated to this.
As I haven't seen any other posts about this I'm assuming it's not an issue with the forum and is specific to Tapatalk and my membership
Sent from my Nokia 5.3 using Tapatalk
26th February 2021, 07:51 PM #2
Ye I get that sometimes, not all the times tho,
I Use Tapatalk free version, I just assumed it was a download speed or something.
It is frustrating tho.
Cheers Matt.
27th February 2021, 09:44 PM #3
I was having the issue.
Clearing cache seems to have fixed for me
28th February 2021, 06:31 AM #4
Clearing cache within Tapatalk?
Sent from my Nokia 5.3 using Tapatalk
28th February 2021, 07:13 AM #5
My phone is Android. I went to the application properties / details and cleared the cache there
28th February 2021, 07:23 AM #6
I have this issue too.
Anyone know how to clear the cache on an iPhone?
28th February 2021, 07:31 AM #7
Tapatalk view of photos
I’ve bothered to look a little closer and found the clear cache setting.
Within Tapatalk app go to the main screen (the page before you enter any forum)- Me - settings - clear cache.
Hope that works.
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28th February 2021, 10:32 AM #8
Thanks all. Clearing cache fixed it. Usually the first thing to try out in a web browser but forgot that was an option on the phone
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 , 0Simplicity liked this post
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