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22nd November 2018, 10:34 PM #1
not receiving emails from subscribed threads
I subscribed to a couple of threads but have not seen any notifications come through, I checked my email address and that is correct, I sent myself a couple of pm's and they arrived OK but no notifications on new posts.
can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong or whatever, I use for emails.
thanks in advance
22nd November 2018, 10:36 PM #2
Did they (based on content perhaps) end up in your junk mail folder?
22nd November 2018, 10:55 PM #3
No, I check the junk/spam boxes and nothing there.
22nd November 2018, 11:50 PM #4
First thing that comes to mind, is what frequency did you set the notifications to.
Cannot remember the exact frequencies available, but you may have them at weekly.Cheers
23rd November 2018, 08:02 AM #5
I set them to daily, but I'll double check that, however it has been more than a week since I set them.
I was hoping that an administrator could check that they are not going to my old email address.Last edited by ericg; 23rd November 2018 at 08:04 AM. Reason: another comment
3rd December 2018, 11:41 PM #6
Automatic Thread Subscription Mode was set to Do not subscribe.
I have changed this to Daily email notification.
If you still have a problem please let me know.
Cheers - NeilKEEP A LID ON THE GARBAGE... Report spam, scams, and inappropriate posts, PMs and Blogs.
Use the Report icon at the bottom of all Posts, PM's and Blog entries.
26th December 2018, 05:00 PM #7
I stopped getting email notifications from subscribed threads around the 5th Nov .
Ive gone and checked my settings twice and cant figure out why .
Mod edit. Reported to admin.
26th December 2018, 11:07 PM #8
I get everything (about 8 threads) except Timber sales.
26th December 2018, 11:22 PM #9
Hello Rob
Can't find a problem. Have reset your notifications to Daily. See how that goes.
Couple of questions:
- Not trying to be smart...
- But have there been any new posts in the subscribed threads since not receiving notifications?
- Have you had any recent upgrades to your computer eg: windows update or similar?
- Are you running any blocking programs like adblock, VPS or similar?
- Have your spam filters been updated recently either by you or your service provider?
Currently waiting on a forum upgrade to latest version but haven't been able to get it done due to time and space constraints. Hoping to be able to get the guru to do it over the Christmas break but unable to get hold of him.
Give it a couple of days and let me know if the daily notification works. Please be sure there have been new posts in the subscribed threads before contacting me.
Cheers - NeilKEEP A LID ON THE GARBAGE... Report spam, scams, and inappropriate posts, PMs and Blogs.
Use the Report icon at the bottom of all Posts, PM's and Blog entries.
- Not trying to be smart...
15th January 2019, 10:57 PM #10
Edit 11.03
Just checked notifications to daily and it was off . I remember setting that On weeks ago ??
Ill see what happens now.
Edit 11.07 In My subscriptions ,Subscriptions , Notifications are now ticked on . Below that some are ticked daily some ticked instant. They are all ticked though. all that was off.
Edit 11.37 PM Problem ?
In My subscriptions , subscriptions , I just went back to that page and checked since 11.07 PM, its all un ticked again !
There is no save changes option that I can see there either.
Edit 11.57 PM just went to General settings then to Default Thread Subscription Mode , then changed that fom Daily using email to instantly using email.
Thanks Neil.
yes there has been new posts in the threads.
No upgrades
No Blocking programs that I know of.
And no updates to spam filters that I know of .
I posted something on the Metal Work Forums recently and an email notification came through when a reply was posted.
Im still getting nothing from WW forums . Its been a while and Ive been lazy 1 , and the settings part of the forum is something I wander around in a bit lost sometimes . Getting a little better at it tonight though .
My guess is I may have accidentally pressed the "unsubscribe from all threads" option doing something on my phone while reading a forum email.
In settings, what do I look for to check that.
While checking my settings weeks ago I thought I ticked that on? Or turned it on somehow?
When I used the computer my emails come to, I had a blocking option with that email software. I dont use that computer now , much , so WWF emails were not blocked on that.
I haven't touched that computer for months.
And I don't know of any options for blocking emails that I open on my phone .
I can unsubscribe from some emails with that option , on my phone . But no blocking or bouncing that I know of there unfortunately.
16th January 2019, 09:08 AM #11
Rob, in your Subscriptions, after you’ve ticked the boxes, you have to scroll down and click on “Selected Threads” select an action then click Go.
And in General Settings, once you’ve selected an action you have to scroll down and click on “Save Changes”
Hope this clears it up for youCheers
16th January 2019, 11:21 AM #12
DJ you rippa .
I just went into selected threads and did that .
These things seem so obvious after your show a way .
Thanks . Hopefully that gets the emails going again.
I did the save changes in general settings last night .
Any idea if I send myself a PM as a test whether that will send an email out to me ?
seeing that I’m sending and recieving while I’m on forum ?
16th January 2019, 11:30 AM #13
If any one reads this can you reply to this thread . Just write test .
So I can see if my email notifaictions are working .
16th January 2019, 11:39 AM #14
Rob I'll reply, but the 'thread information' window says you are still viewing the thread. I don't think you will get a notification if you keep the thread open in another window.
16th January 2019, 01:01 PM #15
Thanks for that Franklin.
1.10 pm
If you get a chance can you do another one.
Bit of a quiet time of the year on here isn’t it . Every one must be out hollidaying
I checked and nothing at 12.45 so ill shut everything down . Log off , and go do some work .
Check back in later .
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